Sunday, 29 June 2008


Wouldn’t it be great if you could attract all that you desire in life or achieve all of your dreams – You can? The way to achieve the success and happiness that you desire is your responsibility and the path to this is to understand your psychic vibes. I am almost positive that nearly everyone has heard of the secret but ‘The secret’ is - there is no secret. Psychics and mystics have been teaching that same subject for thousands of years.

Everything that surrounds us either animate or inanimate is nothing but atomic vibrations that vibrate at a rate that we as humans find it difficult to comprehend. Science has now suggested that we are made of the same energy that permeates everything in the universe, and through understanding this energy – we learn to increase our own vibrational rate. The result of which is strengthening our own psychic ability. In this section each week we will look at ways of strengthening our vibes by learning the basics of psychic ability. We will explore; Psychometry, Divination, Crystals, meditation, clearance of negative energy and much more. You will learn to meet your guides and learn about the work we do as psychic mediums. Increasing your own ability and vibration will undoubtedly help you to create the world you want to live in and not the world that you have to live in – bringing you health, wealth and happiness.

Safety By Intuition

We have all been there – the pub when a violent outbreak bursts, the football, the street and even in the home. We ask the same question, “How did I get myself into that, how could I have avoided the situation?” We have the ability to escape these violent or dangerous encounters by using our natural intuition. Positivity and negativity are vibrations that are different in composition. Perhaps you have shaken hands with someone and felt an overwhelming urge to get out of their company – negative vibration. In contrast, the same action can give you a feeling of inner happiness and safety, hence – a positive vibration. Whether you believe it or not, you are using natural psychic gifts, and you are being warned of impending danger if you have a negative feeling. Your hair may stand on end - you may feel a gut wrenching in the pit of your stomach. Everyone feels these vibrations differently, but together we are going to begin a journey of self-discovery – of learning how to become your own bodyguard and recognize the subtle signs from the universe. You have the ability to make the world a safer place and to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you without the need to fear. How would it feel to go anywhere you choose knowing that you will remain safe in a hostile world? We all have this ability and should use it more readily from the streets to the battlefield. Over the coming months i will be discussing this from many angles and hope that the blog will develop into a deffiniative guide.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Psychic Relations

Relationships can be a warzone or a tranquil garden. Do you realise that you create the relationships that you desire and when you run into problems within a relationship? it can be a reflection of lack within your own being. It could also be the lack of vibrational match for each other. The same element is constant – lack. This is what results in problems within a relationship and it does not need to be within a loving relationship of a partner or family unit. You can feel the effects of lack in work relationships or with friendly relationships. The truth is that you have the power to attract what you desire in your relationships. Ever heard the saying “Like attracts Like?” It’s true and you attract what your vibrational desire is.

For instance, there are individuals that look for love, who want to find that mate for life and yet this goal can seem like a distant memory. One thing that you should learn is that you have to ask, again another saying springs to mind “ask and it will be given” suggesting that if you don’t ask you don’t get. So if you want a soul mate – ask the universe. There is an easy way to ask and be sure that you are specific – you don’t want a mixed bag, do you? Take a note book and write a letter to your guardian angel or yourself. Be honest, say exactly how you feel, if you are lonely then say it. Next think of all the qualities that you would want in a partner and write them in your letter. If you want your partner to love the theatre – say so. Last but not least, thank the universe for bringing the partner of your dreams to you and hold the vision in your mind. Now sign off your letter and forget about it. Let the universe do the work for you.

There is nothing worse than loneliness, yet we have the ability to change this should we wish to. All you have to do is ask and out your order into the universe. Patience is another important aspect of all this; don’t expect things to happen immediately.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

The Nut Behind the But

Years of lobbying and stories of mass destruction, crime and never ending violence are propelling more and more Individuals to lobby for the destruction of all weapons – most being of course hand guns.

Throughout my many years in the military working with law enforcement and other institutions throughout the world – one thing is constant – it’s not the weapon that is dangerous but the stability of the mind behind it.

A weapon, no matter what it is or how it is made; is an inanimate object capable of inflicting harm, injury or at an extreme – death, is merely the tool and nothing can detract from this fact. The only way that a weapon such as a firearm can become dangerous is the machine operating it. That my friend’s is the “Nut behind the but.” In most cases the individual that uses the weapon has already by default of mass consciousness and mindset – decided its use. The same is said for the individual who uses the weapon for violence and destruction. We live in a culture where guns are the every-day norm – a part of our lives and whether we like it or not are part of our safety in some ways.

Conversely, we may consider our intuitive part of our nature to be the weapon, but a weapon that when used correctly that can keep us safe from harm. Perhaps it is time to recognize that our intuition can be likened to our very own hand gun. We can’t get rid of our intuition and contrary to popular belief, we all have it. Is it right therefore that we should rid ourselves of hand guns when it is not the instrument that carries out the crime?

How can a Law enforcement officer use this intuition when using a hand gun or a soldier for that matter? Consider this; Imagine that law enforcement officer on his or her normal duties has to investigate a building or area. Before they enter the building – they are confronted with a clairvoyant image in the mind’s eye of a perpetrator that is armed. Seeing this intuitive flash, they draw the side arm and on entering, are confronted with a masked man brandishing a live weapon with malice on his mind. The officer has by default utilized this skill all be it very conservatively and stayed alive. Imagine if the officer had ignored that feeling and walked into the building not knowing what to expect. There may be a high chance that he or she would have been shot in the line of duty. Now I know that many of you will be screaming that what I have just described is normal standard operating procedure for law enforcement. All I am attempting to do is give a very basic example of how this may be used. It can be as easy or as complicated as you like. It can be just a feeling that someone is lying or being able to tune into a perpetrator’s vibration – gaining a level of intelligence.

Let’s go back to the perpetrator. He already had malice on his mind and would have been consumed by negative feelings and energy around him. Those signals would be emanating from his aura. An individual that is sensitive enough to these subtle signals would be able to pick up on these feelings using natural intuitive ability and will have the opportunity to make the right or wrong decision. That is similar to the choice of using the weapon for good or not. In short “ The nut behind the But.”

Personally, I am not one of those lobbying type folk and as a former protection officer and soldier. I do see a necessity for weaponry and I can also see the validity in the fear created by the former. However, I also believe that our intuitive nature can be just as effective. Therefore the balance may be achieved in accepting both.