Sunday 29 June 2008

Safety By Intuition

We have all been there – the pub when a violent outbreak bursts, the football, the street and even in the home. We ask the same question, “How did I get myself into that, how could I have avoided the situation?” We have the ability to escape these violent or dangerous encounters by using our natural intuition. Positivity and negativity are vibrations that are different in composition. Perhaps you have shaken hands with someone and felt an overwhelming urge to get out of their company – negative vibration. In contrast, the same action can give you a feeling of inner happiness and safety, hence – a positive vibration. Whether you believe it or not, you are using natural psychic gifts, and you are being warned of impending danger if you have a negative feeling. Your hair may stand on end - you may feel a gut wrenching in the pit of your stomach. Everyone feels these vibrations differently, but together we are going to begin a journey of self-discovery – of learning how to become your own bodyguard and recognize the subtle signs from the universe. You have the ability to make the world a safer place and to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you without the need to fear. How would it feel to go anywhere you choose knowing that you will remain safe in a hostile world? We all have this ability and should use it more readily from the streets to the battlefield. Over the coming months i will be discussing this from many angles and hope that the blog will develop into a deffiniative guide.

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