Sunday 29 June 2008


Wouldn’t it be great if you could attract all that you desire in life or achieve all of your dreams – You can? The way to achieve the success and happiness that you desire is your responsibility and the path to this is to understand your psychic vibes. I am almost positive that nearly everyone has heard of the secret but ‘The secret’ is - there is no secret. Psychics and mystics have been teaching that same subject for thousands of years.

Everything that surrounds us either animate or inanimate is nothing but atomic vibrations that vibrate at a rate that we as humans find it difficult to comprehend. Science has now suggested that we are made of the same energy that permeates everything in the universe, and through understanding this energy – we learn to increase our own vibrational rate. The result of which is strengthening our own psychic ability. In this section each week we will look at ways of strengthening our vibes by learning the basics of psychic ability. We will explore; Psychometry, Divination, Crystals, meditation, clearance of negative energy and much more. You will learn to meet your guides and learn about the work we do as psychic mediums. Increasing your own ability and vibration will undoubtedly help you to create the world you want to live in and not the world that you have to live in – bringing you health, wealth and happiness.

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