Monday 25 May 2015

The Moses Effect

Moses Could See - Why Can't We?
Think back to the Biblical story of Moses on Mount Sinai, when he went up the mountain to converse with God and to be taught what is to happen next or rather be tasked by the divine. Moses must have felt elated at receiving that communication. It is said in the bible that Moses did not know his face was radiant when he descended from the mount after being in communion with God and carrying the stone tablets.
However on returning to the camp, he witnesses terrible things, such as debauchery, worshipping false idols - brother against brother, sister against sister. No one being aware of the hideousness of the negativity - evil had undoubtedly permeated into the camp in some respects. From something that was provided in love and being delivered from what seems the gates of hell, the people should have been rejoicing and giving thanks to God for the deliverance. The opposite was the effect. Moses in his anger, cracks the tablets - melting the goldRead more...

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