Monday 25 May 2015

UFO Government Information Released

In June 2013 the UK Government released what was (at the time) billed as the final batch of Ministry of Defence (MoD) UFO files " part of a wider project to declassify and release the entire archive of these files and transfer them to the National Archives. Nick Pope used to work on these files " and indeed wrote some of them! As the public face of the MoD's UFO project and of the UFO file release project, Nick Pope will give an insider's account of what is arguably the biggest UFO-related story in recent years. He tells the story of the release of these real-life X-Files by means of a Q&A in which he responds to the questions on this story that he's been asked most frequently, by the media, by the UFO community and by the public.
How much material has been released?
209 files and around 52,000 pages of documentation have been released so far. This is in addition to a number of UFO files that had already been released under the old Public Record Act, the best-known provision ofRead more...

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