Wednesday, 14 September 2022

PDN Paranormal Mini Conference Fall 2022 Fundraiser

PDN has an exciting mini-conference for you coming up very soon.

Sign up here: Book Your Ticket Here

You are invited to our small mini-conference. This is a fundraising event that will take place online and will cover 3 main topics by three passionate speakers and advocates for Psi, Parapsychology, and Spiritual Science.

This conference is to help educate and sow seeds of inquiry into the minds of those interested in a professional approach to the subject. The speakers have been chosen for their knowledge, experience, and passion to educate and support a misunderstood subject. Each speaker brings a unique skill set and their topic is chosen to give our attendees a unique perspective that they can discuss with other attendees.

We can’t wait to see you there. The cost is $20 USD and a portion goes to psi research.

PDN Paranormal Mini Conference

We’ve made some innovations to help you enjoy the experience without feeling information overload and give you some time to either chat up other people in the audience, grab something to eat, or get a couple of chores done around the house to clear your head before the next speech.

We do this by having a ten-minute Q&A after each speech and then a 20-minute break. Whatever time zone you’re in, you won’t be rushed.

We’re using a sophisticated networking software program that puts you at tables, so that it’s not a free for all, and you can leave a table if you’re not grooving with the conversation there.

Typical table arrangement

This is what your screen looks like. If you join one of those tables, it looks a lot like a Zoom conversation. It’s a great way to find people to talk to or locate a friend who is also attending. Take the time to put in a profile and people will be able to see who you are at a glance. You can message anyone or join group messaging at a particular table to share info with each other.

For some people, this is the best part of conferences.

We have a great lineup of speakers:

Our featured speaker Loyd Auerbach:

M.S. (Parapsychology), Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations and President of the Forever Family Foundation, has been in the field for over 40 years focusing on education and field investigation. He is the author or co-author of 10 nonfiction books and one novel and teaches online Parapsychology courses through the Rhine Education Center.

He is on the Board of the Rhine Research Center and the advisory boards of the Windbridge Research Center and the Forever Family Foundation. His media appearances on TV, radio, and in print number in the thousands, including The UnXplained, ESPN’s SportsCenter, ABC’s The View, Oprah, and Larry King Live. He works as a parapsychologist, professional mentalist/psychic entertainer (Professor Paranormal), public speaking & media skills coach, and as a professional chocolatier.

Loyd will be talking about:

Do Ghosts Have ESP? Parapsychology can answer, but Reality TV Cannot


The field of Parapsychology/Psychical Research, with its over 140-year history, provides much from both field investigations and laboratory findings that are generally ignored by the paranormal reality TV shows, and therefore unknown to or ignored by most who follow the often TV-producer-influenced methods. Parapsychologists, as scientists, have to assess their cases carefully, always looking for alternative "normal" explanations for every reported event, not just the overall case (this is not "debunking," by the way, but rather the process of applying science).

Also speaking: Jock Brocas

Photographer: W. V. Pattison |

Jock Brocas is the founder of PDN, an evidential Spiritual Medium, and spiritual author of several books. Jock’s latest book “Deadly Departed” challenges the widely accepted paradigm of the afterlife. Jock writes with passion and in-depth knowledge. The books are written with one common goal, which is to enlighten and teach spiritual lessons of love, compassion, and forgiveness. Jock has appeared in national media and has written for global media on the paranormal, spirituality, and the afterlife. He has dedicated his later years to his own spiritual development and the professional development of his Mediumship and understanding of Parapsychology. Jock takes a more scientific view of the paranormal and the afterlife.

As a proponent of many disciplines, these skills have culminated in developing unique perspectives on spirituality and spiritual life. Jock teaches regularly and works tirelessly to help those developing on a spiritual path.

Jock’s Speech:

Dangers of Paranormal Belief for Mediums and Investigators


Are we wired for belief in the paranormal, and does a common bias cause more problems when it comes to the investigation of potential anomalous phenomena? Mediums, Uninformed Investigators, Religious perceptions, and the uneducated public could cause more suffering for a family, individual, or community under spiritual crisis. Jock will cite examples of mediumistic bias and the dangers associated with paranormal belief.

Also speaking: Craig Weiler

Craig Weiler is the science editor for Paranormal Daily News, a parapsychology journalist, author, and blogger.  Craig covers controversies in parapsychology (and occasionally other topics) as well as interesting studies, various researchers and projects, and the occasional topical subject related to parapsychology.  In particular, Craig covered the TED controversy of 2013 extensively as well as a Wikipedia controversy later in the year and was the first to report on Russell Gruber's Mirror Worlds Research.

His book: Psi Wars:  TED, Wikipedia and the Battle for the Internet follows the TED controversy while taking a broader look at why this sort of thing is happening in the first place.

Craig’s Speech:

The Handyman’s Guide to Reality


Craig’s nuts and bolts approach takes you on a practical and easily understandable discussion of the ongoing debate between people who believe in a totally physical world and those who believe that consciousness is fundamental. He then shows how you can use this information to practical effect in your life.

Miss Something? The Conference is Being Recorded

The conference will be recorded and each paid attendee will be able to watch the conference recording within our new private community at any time. Buying a ticket to the event ensures access to the new para community app.

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