Friday 11 October 2024

The Vital Role of Psychological Evaluation in Paranormal Investigations

Clarion Call for All Involved in the Mysterious Field of Paranormal Investigations

In the fascinating world of paranormal investigations, the stakes are high, ranging from haunted locations to cases alleging demonic possession. However, one often overlooked but critical aspect of these investigations, is the necessity for comprehensive psychological evaluations. Why are these assessments so vital?

In a timely podcast episode, Investigating Demonic Cases: Paranormal Psychological Evaluation, host Jock Brocas underscores the importance of psychological evaluations, noting that he personally receives about four to five new cases every month. Although a significant majority—over 95%—are not serious, the small percentage that may involve something more sinister requires utmost caution.

The Thin Between Psychiatric Illness and Demonic Influence is Easily Blurred

(Image: Canva)

Jock Brocas, a professional medium and spirit interventionist, emphasizes the importance of psychological evaluations to distinguish mental health issues from genuine paranormal occurrences. A clarion call for all involved in this mysterious field to adopt practices rooted in professionalism, ethics, and multidisciplinary cooperation.

“There's a very gray area between psychosis, mental psychosis, psychiatric illness and demonic possession/obsession. There is basically a pattern. There's an intelligence. And some of this pattern and... intelligence actually comes through looking at a potential case which is out of the realms of science and...psychology and psychiatry. And a lot of people that are claiming that they are having a psychiatric illness, do actually suffer from... some spirit obsession or spirit oppression, not necessarily demonic, by the way.” Jock Brocas

While the necessity for a professional psychological evaluation when assessing paranormal claims speaks for itself, Brocas explains that individuals often refuse these evaluations, firmly believing they do not need them. This refusal complicates matters because the line between psychiatric illness and demonic influence is thin and easily blurred.

“One of the things that stops people in their tracks is when you start to say, this case actually needs psychological evaluation, we need to bring in a psychiatrist or a psychologist and they need to be able to evaluate that person. Nine times out of ten, most of these people will say they don't need an evaluation and they don't want an evaluation and they're not interested in having that done because they know.
Unfortunately, that's where things get a little bit gray because there are so many people out there claiming that they have a haunting... a demonic possession or an obsession, and do not have the history to back it up, and they do not have the phenomena to back it up. And they think that just a little imbalance in the mind or negative thoughts or bad things is completely oppressive and demonic. And it's not.” Jock Brocas

The Allure and Misconception Around Demonic Cases

A common trend among people who contact Brocas, is an almost eager conviction that they are experiencing demonic oppression, obsession, or possession. This excitement can be problematic and reveals a significant misunderstanding of the complexities involved. Paranormal professionals, including mediums and parapsychologists, must address these cases cautiously, ensuring that they don’t contribute to unnecessary fear or misinformation.

“There is a pattern to diabolical possession. There is an intelligence. This is also the same in obsession and oppression, before even you get to possession. So be very careful, don't jump on the bandwagon. Make sure that you have all your bases covered that you actually go through, that you have a relationship with a professional, with a psychologist, with a psychiatrist, someone that you can rely on that can actually help you to evaluate that case. It's important that this is evaluated professionally.” Jock Brocas

Occult illiterate, mainstream mental health professionals who dismiss the paranormal world as nonsense, will be of no help to spirit interventionists, mediums and others who are called upon to assist troubled souls. Experiencing mental imbalances because of innocent, ignorant tinkerings with spiritual realms, is more common than many people realise. Basic occult education and holistic health pathways should be taught in universities and medical schools but that is unlikely to happen any time soon. In the meantime, taking heed of the reality of paranormal and potential interferences is highly recommended when assessing mental/emotional imbalances.

Patterns of Alleged Demonic Activity Symptoms

Several patterns can manifest in cases involving alleged demonic activity and often overlap with various psychiatric conditions, such as psychosis. Brocas notes that some symptoms attributed to demonic influence might actually stem from psychiatric illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

However, there is an intelligence that drives genuine paranormal cases, making them distinguishable from psychiatric conditions but identifying this intelligence requires more than intuition; it needs evidence and professional validation.

A Multi-disciplinary Approach Prevents Misdiagnosis of Mental Health Conditions

The importance of psychological evaluations lies in their ability to provide a clear, clinical perspective on the individual’s mental health. Collaborating with psychiatrists and psychologists is a valuable multi-disciplinary approach because it ensures any paranormal investigation is grounded in reality, thereby preventing the misdiagnosis of mental health conditions.

“You want to be able to identify if there is psychiatric or psychological illness there. Is there a pattern of psychological illness in the family? Is there a pattern of psychosis that's developing here? As a medium, you're not going to be able to give those answers but you can bring in a professional that can. As professionals ourselves in mediumship, we can talk to people and get the background and intelligence, give them advice and things. But when it comes to something that's serious or maybe needs looked at deeper, you really do need a professional.” Jock Brocas

Brocas collaborates with the Wisconsin Paranormal Society, illustrating how effective teamwork and network-building with medical professionals can enhance the credibility and outcomes of paranormal investigations.

When investigating paranormal claims, building trust with the affected individuals and their families is paramount. This approach mandates a professional demeanor and a commitment to ethical standards. Professionals should never hastily diagnose a situation as demonic without thorough evaluation, including psychological assessments.

Cutting Through the Noise: The Myths and Realities of Possession

On the topic of misinformation proliferated by some religious entities and media that sensationalize demonic possession, Brocas contends that many individuals who believe they are possessed are, in reality, experiencing psychological or emotional turmoil.

Certain religious narratives and sensationalist media presentations fuel misconceptions about possession, often advocating for extreme views without substantial evidence, contributing to the public’s misunderstanding.

“I'm blaming religion... some of these evangelical type people that will say that there are so many demons inside of you. There's no proof in this and there's no evidence to the contrary. So anybody who thinks that they are actually oppressed, would have to go through a series of tests and a series of studies to be able to have a professional identify if that person seriously is being influenced by a demonic being or a spirit being or is being oppressed in some way.
There is a need for anybody that is seriously claiming that they're possessed, or the family is claiming they're possessed, to have a psychological evaluation, not just of them, but also the family. So if you're a professional have people who come to you and say that they are actually demonically possessed, and you start to kind of believe it, and you go down the realms of checking everything and... you don't have any professional psychological testing or evaluations done, then you're kind of doing yourself a disservice. And you're doing them a disservice because 99% of cases are actually explainable. There's very, very little out there that is seriously a diabolical possession and people who think they are, normally aren't.” Jock Brocas

Avoiding the Pitfalls: Responsible Paranormal Investigation

Avoid the pitfalls of rushed or unsubstantiated conclusions by approaching each case with an open mind, rigorous methodology, and a willingness to seek professional psychological insights.

Ethical responsibility is a cornerstone of credible paranormal investigation. Even if a case appears to fit the criteria for demonic possession, investigators should ensure that it undergoes comprehensive evaluation. This approach not only protects the individuals involved but also upholds the integrity of the investigative field.

Stay Informed and Engaged with Deadly Departed Podcasts

For those interested in delving deeper, the Deadly Departed podcast is a rich resource of knowledge and case studies which aim to shed light on these intriguing and complex phenomena. The perfect place to engage with the community by posing questions and sharing experiences to foster a more informed and respectful dialogue about the paranormal.

The ongoing journey to understand the paranormal is filled with both challenges and revelations. Psychological evaluations serve as a crucial tool in this quest, bridging the gap between mental health and supernatural phenomena. By embracing a rigorous, ethical approach to investigations, we ensure that our work contributes meaningfully to both fields.

Stay tuned and stay curious. The more we learn, the greater our ability to navigate the shadowy intersections of the seen and the unseen.

Watch the Video

Investigating Demonic Cases: Paranormal Psychological Evaluation

(Run time: 13 mins)

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