Monday, 24 February 2025

Mediumship communication with the spirit world is heaven-sent

Special Note

PDN presents this insightful mediumship article in memory of its author Robin Foy, Ambassador for the Spirit World’, who passed away peacefully in his sleep on April 10, 2022, aged 78. It was originally published in The Afterlife Magazine which is now part of Paranormal Daily News.

Robin was a co-founder of ASSMPI (American Society for Scientific Mediumship and Parapsychological Investigation) and co-founder of the infamous Scole Experiment’, a five-year scientific investigation from 1993-1998 seeking evidence for Consciousness in the Afterlife and Hyperlife. The Scole group reported experiencing paranormal phenomena including unexplained lights, voices from mid-air, and the appearance of objects that seemed to teleport.

In 2018, Robin headed a campaign to establish a physical mediumship research center, ‘The Spiritual Science Foundation in Spain, believed to be a world first. He also published two books about his psychical research and experiences: In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship and Witnessing the Impossible, based on his meticulously recorded events of the Scole Experiment.

Scole Group co-founders Robin Foy (2nd from right) and Sandra Foy with Alan and Diana Bennett

The Scole Experiment review excerpt

The Scole Group investigation by psychical researchers set several firsts. It was:

– the first study of persons acting together as a mediumistic team;

– the first to link alleged oral communications through trance mediums with photographic, visual, auditory, tactile and tangible phenomena;

– the first to investigate a range of tangible physical phenomena not associated with ectoplasm and which could be examined outside of the seance room.

When the investigation results were publicized, the case immediately became controversial.

Rosemary Ellen Guiley - Visionary Living

Why mediumship and the spirit world are heaven-sent

A medium is not simply ‘born’ with this ability

Mediumship in its various forms has taken place since the beginning of time. Most people assume that it only began with the launch of the official religion of ‘Spiritualism’ in 1848 through the Fox sisters at Hydesville in the New York State of the USA.

Mediumship can be traced right back to the time of ancient civilizations. In ancient Greece, mediums were referred to as Oracles. Those who consulted the famous Oracle at Delphi in Greece for example, gazed into a large mirror or the highly polished surface of a large metal vessel to enjoy a personal interaction (of a physical nature) with the spirit world. This method is still used today with mirror-based equipment called a ‘Psychomanteum’.

In Atlantis, communication with the spirit world and other dimensions was conducted through the use of a massive crystal that hung in a special room. Knowledge of communication through crystals was lost over the millennia but is resurfacing once again, as we witnessed from 1993 to 1998 during our 5-year-long experiments in the village of Scole, situated in the county of Norfolk, eastern England.

Mediumship in its proper forms is a serious business. The specific job of a medium is to bring real evidence to the public of the reality of life after death, by delivering evidential messages to those seeking connection with deceased friends and relatives. A medium is not simply ‘born’ with this ability. They work hard for many years to develop and hone their mediumistic talents. Some mediums tend to specialize in aspects of mediumship that suit them best, and, after years of careful development, determine where they can best use their gifts and talents for the benefit of mankind.

Believe me – mediumship is not an easy life, but one of constant service to others. In my case, I have been intimately involved in the rare field of physical mediumship for almost 42 years and gathered vast experience and knowledge of this specific form of mediumship.

These strange images, with clearly discernable though rambling German phrases, originated from a Polachrome film bought and controlled throughout the sitting by the Schnittgers after it was placed by them in a locked box held in Walter Schnittger’s hand and developed the same evening after a sitting attended also by a Dr Schaer on 22nd November in 1996. The Scole Experiment (Chapter V1, Appendix D)

How different forms of mediumship work

As stated in the title of this article, mediumship is a natural communication process with the Spirit World and other dimensions in several different ways.

Mental Mediumship:

Mental Mediumship is the most common of the two types of mediumship practiced today. There are literally hundreds of thousands of ‘mental’ mediums throughout the world. Most people (if they have the desire and patience to do so) can develop one or more of the three main forms of mental mediumship to some degree if they regularly sit in a development circle under a good teacher.

It is possible to learn and develop the basics of mental mediumship in a relatively short space of time; sometimes within weeks of starting to train as a medium. A much longer period of development is, however, necessary for the ‘fledgling medium’ to achieve a good standard in their mediumistic work.

Three main forms of mental mediumship

1)  Clairvoyance   2)  Clairaudience   3)  Clairsentience

Clairvoyance:  The ability of the medium to ‘see’ spirit personalities. Sometimes the medium sees spirit people as though they are real people, moving about in a normal and natural way. At other times, the medium might ‘see’ them on the ‘mirror of their mind’ within their head. What distinguishes this as mental mediumship however, is the fact that only the medium sees these spirit people. Anybody else who is present does not. The medium can pass on to his or her ‘sitter’ what they are seeing, by way of evidence.

Clairaudience:  The ability of the medium to hear what the spirit personalities are saying. This gift often goes together with clairvoyance. Sometimes the medium hears spirit voices as though they are real and coming from another real person in the room. At other times, the medium ‘hears’ the voices within their head again ‘on the mirror of their mind’. The medium is the only person who hears these voices, and can pass on to their sitter (client) what the spirit person is telling them, by way of evidence of the existence of life after death. Such a message can provide great comfort for a bereaved friend, relative or loved one.

Clairsentience:  The ability of the medium to sense the presence of spirit people, and to sense what they are saying. Again, the medium is the only person who can (through their training) sense the presence of spirit personalities, and sense the message from a specific spirit person that they can then pass on to their sitter who during a private reading, or who might receive such a message in a spiritualist church.

Trance mediumship is an altered state

Trance Mediumship is a bit of a grey area. There are indeed many different ‘levels’ and depths of trance. When a medium is in a state of being ‘overshadowed’ and in a ‘deep trance’, they are fully unconscious and unaware of anything that is happening within themselves and around them. I believe that it is more accurate to describe any level of trance as an ‘altered state’.

In most cases, it can be logically argued that even if an entranced medium is aware of every word that is spoken through them, the medium has no physical control over the content of what is said. Apart from when a medium is in a very light trance (overshadowed), this is essentially an accurate statement.

It can be further argued that since the medium has no physical control over the content of what is spoken through their own larynx whilst in an altered state, the process of a spirit person speaking through them in this way is an aspect of physical mediumship.

Whilst I can personally see the logic of this argument, I do not regard trance mediumship as an aspect of physical mediumship but – simply – in some cases (not all) a tool to enable the production of physical phenomena when properly managed by a team of spirit personalities who work with a particular medium.

Direct voice vs trance communication

We have to be careful not to mix up the terms used for a type of physical phenomenon with trance communication through the human larynx of a medium. I know of several experienced psychic researchers, for instance, who have gone for a private sitting with a trance medium that advertised ‘direct voice’, only to discover that instead of physical phenomena, they have simply been treated to trance communication through a medium. It might be an honest mistake on the part of the medium, but it can be very misleading and, hopefully, we can help set the record straight.

When sitting specifically for physical phenomena in the more traditional ectoplasmic-based way, the physical medium is usually in a deep trance state. There are exceptions to this; the famous Independent Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint comes to mind, as he was fully awake during his sittings and able to join in the conversations with the spirit voices that occurred through his mediumship.

When a medium is capable of producing full ectoplasm-based materialization, however, it does seem essential for them to be in a deep trance throughout this process.

Physical phenomenon captured on film with Robin & Sandra Foy, Alan & Diana Bennett (Image: The Scole Experiment)

Energy-based physical phenomena groups

Experienced experimental physical phenomena groups choose to work in the modern energy-based way, where no ectoplasm is involved. We were told by our spirit helpers that trance is not always necessary for phenomena to be produced. In fact, Sandra and I sat for some time in an experimental group in South London, and witnessed amazing physical phenomena with nobody in an altered state. The group did not even know who the medium of the circle was at the time, although we did eventually discover his identity. The gentleman had no idea himself!

However, when an experimental group first starts sitting to develop physical phenomena, having one or more of the group in trance is particularly helpful, as communications and instructions to help the group with their development can then be received. Throughout the history of the Scole Experiment in the 1990’s (where the energy-based method was pioneered) we had two of the group members in deep trance throughout the sittings, but the Scole Group was unique at that time.

A more likely scenario today is that one or more of the sitters might be used in an altered state to bring through communications from the spirit team who work with the group in an energy-based format, but when this happens, the trance state will not be as deep as when the circle is developing in the more traditional ectoplasm-based format.

I must stress here, however, that neither way of working is better than the other. They are just different ways of working. And both require equal amounts of dedication, love, patience, harmony, and determination to develop positive results. It is also true that the energy-based format has certain advantages, which I will explain soon.

Two Types of Physical Mediumship

So far, we have covered a few of the basic properties of the mental and physical mediumship that are practiced today amongst spiritual and psychic research communities. Now we will explore the different types of physical phenomena that can happen under controlled conditions when an experimental group or physical circle sits specifically to witness or demonstrate phenomena.

The main difference between mental and physical mediumship is that during demonstrations of physical mediumship, everybody present can see, hear, feel, and experience physically, everything that is going on in the room and/or interact physically with the spirit personalities who are present.

Not everyone is aware that physical mediumship is practiced in two different ways. The traditional view within the Spiritualist Movement is that physical phenomena can only be presented by spirit helpers using the controversial substance known as ectoplasm. This method has been used by physical mediums and their guides and helpers since 1848.

Generally, it involves just one physical medium, who is usually in deep trance throughout the proceedings. The medium often sits in a cabinet throughout to concentrate the power. Most physical mediums operate in total darkness, or use a dim red light for illumination, but a number of developing physical mediums and scientifically-minded researchers are now experimenting with various other forms of lighting (including spirit lights brought by the spirit teams of the mediums concerned).

Ectoplasmic-based physical mediumship

The ectoplasmic-based physical medium often takes many years to fully develop their mediumship. The ‘ectoplasm’ is exuded from the physical medium’s body (from any or all of the body’s natural orifices). It can be molded by the spirit guides and helpers to form a solid ‘materialization’ of a spirit person, which is often positively identified by friends and relatives of the spirit person.

For the manipulation and levitation of objects such as a trumpet (a megaphone-like object used for amplification of direct-voice communication from spirit) in the seance room, an ectoplasmic rod with a pseudopod for gripping is used by the spirit people. In every case, the ectoplasm remains connected by an umbilical cord-like structure to the medium whilst phenomena takes place. The ectoplasmic connection also makes proceedings potentially physically dangerous for the medium.

If a sitter does something silly, like switching on an electric light in the middle of a seance, the ectoplasm shoots back into the body of the medium at an alarmingly fast rate; causing (at best) burns to the medium’s body and (at worst) occasional internal damage that has, on occasion, led directly to the death or serious injury of the medium. Such was the case with Helen Duncan and Alec Harris, both famous materialization mediums. Consequently, in all sittings where physical mediumship is conducted through an ectoplasmic-based system, stringent precautions have to be observed for the safety of the medium.

Energy-based physical mediumship

The second, and more modern method of producing physical phenomena is by way of an energy-based procedure. This form of physical phenomena was largely pioneered by the spirit team working with us during the Scole Experimental Group in the 1990’s. There may indeed be one or more mediums in a group where this method is being used and they may, or may not necessarily be used in deep trance; sometimes, the group are not even aware of who the medium or mediums might be!

The spiritual energies of all the group members are blended and involved in the energy-based process. Whilst groups of this sort should start out in total darkness, the spirit team working with a particular group often provides their own spirit-lighting during the early stages of the development of the phenomena to provide adequate illumination.

Three types of blended energy used by the spirit team

The energy used by the spirit team is a blend of three different types of energy which can provide one creative energy that can be used by the spirit team or individual spirits in a physical way to produce the phenomena:

1) Spiritual energy taken from all the sitters in the group.

2) Spirit energy brought by the spirit team from the spirit world, especially for the purpose of producing the ‘creative energy’ needed at a particular sitting.

3) Columns or ‘pillars’ of natural earth energy that exist in certain geographical locations around the world. Groups sitting for physical phenomena can attract one of these columns of energy to them or even create a new column in the place where the sittings take place.

There are several advantages to working with energy, although neither method is better than, nor superior to the other. These advantages include:

a) Phenomena can develop quicker with energy. Sometimes, within in months rather than years.

b) There is absolutely no danger whatsoever to mediums or sitters if somebody does something stupid during an energy-based sitting. The phenomena will simply stop.

c) The energy-based method is more versatile in that more types of phenomena can be developed in this way. At Scole, we counted around 180 different types of phenomena that were developed during the 5-year history of the Scole Experimental Group.

Types of physical phenomena produced by spirit helpers

Next, we will be looking at the actual types of physical phenomena that can be produced by the spirit helpers using these two methods. The list below describes some of the phenomena that can be witnessed when the medium, group or circle works in either an ectoplasmic-based way or an energy-based way.

I will first describe the types of phenomenal that are typical of ectoplasm-based. EVERYTHING that happens in an ectoplasm-based way can be duplicated in an energy-based way. It is important to realize, however, that although the same effects can be reproduced in either way, the method of production is definitely different. Consequently, there are sometimes different names for a similar effect produced through the creative energy method and where this is the case, I include the new energy-based names in brackets.

Physical phenomena that can be witnessed

1) DROP IN TEMPERATURE: Self-explanatory; one of the first signs in a physical circle, around knees and below. 

2) PSYCHIC BREEZES: Can be felt around the experimental room, particularly when a spirit person is very close.

3) PSYCHIC SMELLS AND AROMAS: Can be scents, the smell of tobacco or something associated with a spirit person.

4) RAPS AND TAPS: Of various strengths and intensities can be heard around the room coming from any surface.

5) RINGING OF BELLS: That are present in the room; perhaps hanging from the ceiling or placed on the floor.  

6) SITTERS BEING SPLASHED WITH WATER DROPLETS: In a playful way occasionally by members of the spirit team.

7) ELECTROSTATIC CRACKLING IN THE AIR: The noise of ectoplasm/energy being moved about and manipulated.

8) LEVITATION: Of small objects; then large ones such as heavy tables, chairs, or people, sometimes to the ceiling. 

9) DIRECT SPIRIT WRITING: On a piece of paper or pad that has been left in the room, specially for the purpose.

10) APPORTS: Objects brought into the seance room from elsewhere during a sitting – sometimes little presents.  

11) ASPORTS: Opposite to apports; objects in seance room at the start, removed by spirit team during a seance.  

12) SPIRIT LIGHTS: Usually are more limited in type, variety, size and duration than those produced by energy.

13) TRANSFIGURATION: Mask of ectoplasm covering medium’s face molded by spirit into face of communicator.

14) PLAYING OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: By spirit musicians, (or less well by enthusiastic child spirit guides!)    

15) DIRECT VOICE: This refers to spirit voices speaking through a ‘trumpet’ (aluminum cone like a megaphone -specially for the purpose) which is usually levitated in mid-air at the time.                                                   

16) INDEPENDENT VOICE (Energy voices in new way produced without ectoplasm): A superb type of phenomena where the spirit team build a replica of a human voice-box in mid-air out of ectoplasm. Spirit voices can speak through this, sometimes in their own exact voice whilst on earth. The two way conversation between sitters and spirit communicators sounds just as though two earthly physical people are talking.        

17) MATERIALISATION (Teleportation in new way of actual spirit person without ectoplasm): This is an amazing phenomenon to witness. An animated replica of a spirit person is created by the spirit team from a substance called ectoplasm, appearing totally solid and fully recognizable; able to interact with relatives, friends and loved ones. These materializations are generally unable to stay for long, and return to the ‘cabinet’ to dematerialize in order to make way for more materializations.                                                            

18) MATTER THROUGH MATTER: Spirit team can dematerialize any matter (such as part of the medium’s own body or chair) and re-materialize this in the same place or elsewhere.


20) HEALING AS SPIRIT LIGHT ENTERS A SITTER’S BODY: This is fully visible. The light has weight and substance and can move freely around the patient’s body (always felt physically by patient) till it emerges visibly again from patient. Healing given in this way was always extremely effective. It happened to me many times.        

21) ANY SOUND CAN BE DUPLICATED IN CIRCLE: This includes the sound of any musical instrument that is not in the room at the time; a spirit team can also, for instance, pretend to give a ‘haircut’ to a sitter. The scissors can be heard opening and closing; the comb can be heard being drawn across a chair, when none of these instruments or objects are in the room in reality!                                                                           

22) EXTENDED VOICE: this occurs when the trance communication from a medium (through his or her larynx in the normal way) suddenly seems to come from a different place in the room, although the medium is still sitting in the same place. What happens here is that by using energy, the spirit team is able to make the source of the medium’s voice appear to move anywhere in that room within a split second, without the medium moving. The voice can even, on occasion, seem to come from within the walls of the room.             

23) TELEPORTED SPIRIT BEINGS AND (in some groups) STELLAR FRIENDS FROM OTHER DIMENSIONS: Can move freely around the room in solid form and interact constantly with sitters. There seems to be no time limit on their presence and they are able to undertake many normal tasks whilst they are present, which would seem to be beyond the ability of ectoplasmic-based materialization; we have personally experienced the presence of eight or more of these teleported beings in an experimental room at the same time!                                 

24) PSYCHIC PHOTOGRAPHY: Many different types. Sometimes appearing on a 35mm film in a camera which is levitated by a spirit team and proceeds to take pictures in total darkness; at other times, a complete 35mm film still in its shop wrapping and locked into a security box can be covered from end to end with pictures and writing produced by a spirit team. We had pictures and portraits also captured on a video camera as we sat.  

25) SVO’S – SOLID VISIBLE OBJECTS: These were self-illuminated objects that had no name on our earth but were common in the spirit world. They were brought by our spirit team for us to see and examine in a solid form before they were again taken back to the spirit world.                                             

26) VSB’S – VISIBLE SPIRIT BEINGS: Not spirit people but ANGELIC BEINGS. Self-luminous; they would build up on a table in front of our eyes to a height of about two to three feet (resembling a Madonna-type figure), before floating around the room in front of our eyes, allowing their robes to trail over our hands. The wonderful love that emanated from these beings was amazing! The room was ‘charged’ with energy when they were present.  

27) VOICE-TO-VOICE COMMUNICATION WITH SPIRIT BEINGS: Of excellent clarity and volume through the simple amplifier of a cheap tape recorder.                                                                                               

28) TELEPORTED PRESENCE OF MINIATURE UFO: Which flew around the room on a number of occasions, pausing in front of each sitter so they could examine it closely, with its illuminated portholes.                                  

29) VOICE-TO-VOICE COMMUNICATION WITH ‘STELLAR FRIENDS’ AND OTHER WORLD BEINGS: Through the amplifier of a cheap tape recorder attached to the simple TRANS-DIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICE that was designed by our spirit team. A blueprint of this device was received by us on an unopened film when we were asked to build it. An IDOLIS (Inter-Dimensional Oral Language Interpretation System) was incorporated into this device by the spirit team for use during our communications so we could hear the communications in ENGLISH through a ‘robotic’ voice.

Spontaneous, natural occurrences of physical phenomena

Finally, it is important to recognize that not all physical phenomena occur within experimental groups and physical circles that sit under strictly controlled conditions. Here are a few examples of natural, spontaneous phenomena that occur during our everyday lives:



C) DOWSING                         

D) DRV (DIRECT RADIO VOICES): On a one-to-one basis through a functioning radio (as in the case of Italian medium Marcello Bacci)




H) SPIRIT MESSAGES LEFT ON ANSWERPHONES                                                                                          

I) ITC (INSTRUMENTAL TRANS-COMMUNICATION): A whole sub-category by itself. Includes: IMAGES OF SPIRIT PEOPLE AND OTHER DIMENSIONAL PEOPLE ON TELEVISION SCREENS. Also communication received through any other technical devices such as COMPUTERS. Strictly speaking, communications on answer phones and EVP loosely fit into this category, too.

The types of phenomena I have mentioned here – both ectoplasmic-based and energy-based – are the main types you are likely to come into contact with if you research this exciting subject thoroughly. However, the list is by no means comprehensive. There is much more to discover as you delve deeper into the topic.

Robin & Sandra Foy

Further Reading

The Scole Experiment -

The Scole Group Physical Mediumship Experiments - Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Eastern Daily Press: Strange case of Norfolk life after death experiment that could become a Hollywood film (2018)

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Could the ‘real’ Gollum be the evil goblin of Pen Park Hole in Bristol?


The somewhat tiresome news that a new Lord of The Rings movie entitled The Hunt for Gollum is set to be released in 2026 got me thinking as to whether any ‘real’ cave dwelling Gollum/goblin/troll-like creatures were ever recorded in the British Isles.

And, lo and behold, my research uncovered the story of the evil goblin of Bristol’s Pen Park Hole cave, located in the Southmead district of the city.

Wikimedia Commons

Pen Park Hole was discovered accidentally in the 17th century. According to Frankie Chappie’s The Goblin’s Curse, published by The Royal Society, a letter dated 21 August 1669, sent by alchemist and writer Thomas Henshaw to politician and 1st Earl of Yarmouth Sir Robert Paston, states that the hole was discovered whilst quarrying for stone, and that the discovery was reported to King Charles II.

In Robert Hooke’s Lectures de Potentia Restitutiva (Of spring explaining the power of springing bodies) Captain Samuel Sturmy (1633-1669) states that the King commanded him to explore the hole, a sign of the royal interest in the potential financial benefit of a new mine as well as his passion for ‘novelty and prodigy’. Captain Sturmy, described as an ‘inquisitive sea man’ made the first recorded exploration in July 1669.

Current access is severely restricted by Bristol City Council and is a Site of Special Scientific Interest due to its geological origins and invertebrate community including the cave shrimp Niphargus kochianus.

Royal Society Classified Papers

A document in the Royal Society Classified Papers series contains a description of the hole and a version of Captain Sturmy’s account of his descent.

The main chamber of the Hole is 68 metres (223 ft) high, 30 metres (98 ft) long and 15 metres (49 ft) wide. The lake within it is 15 metres (49 ft) at its deepest point.

Sturmy describes the cave as having an ‘abundance of strange places, the flooring being a kind of a white stone, enameled with lead core, and the pendent rocks were lazed with salt-peter which distilled upon them from above and time had petrified’ containing ‘a river or great water, which I found to be twenty fathoms broad, and eight fathoms deep’.

Captain Sturmy - Copyright: richardvalenciaphotography

Panicked by the sight of an evil spirit

During the exploration, Sturmy was accompanied (wisely enough) by a former miner who used a ladder to investigate a ‘great hallowing in a rock some thirty foot above us’. Apparently, he found the ‘rich mine’ he was looking for but was panicked by the ‘sight of an evil Spirit’ and refused to go back. Sturmy was shocked by this incident; four days later he was afflicted by, ‘an unusual and violent headache’ which he attributed to the hole. Later that year the captain developed a fever and died shortly after. This portent, along with the report of the nasty spirit, kept explorers from descending into the hole until 13 years later in 1682.

A Captain Collins was surveying the coast in the area in 1682 and met Sir Robert Southwell (future President of the Royal Society), who told Collins the story of the hole, claiming it ‘had amused the country’, but ‘wanted only some courage, to find out the bottome of itt.’ Taking up the challenge, on the 18th and 19th September 1682, Collins descended into the cavern with a group of interested companions; no strange occurrences were reported as ‘the Candles and Torches burnt clear soe as to discover the whole extent … nor was the Ayre any thing offensive.’ There was ‘nothing else in itt except a few Batts.’

Oh, the Captain had need be a fearless soul

However, the legend of the Pen Park Hole Goblin prospered. Lived on. Reverend Thomas Newnam visited the hole in 1775 and ‘fell into this dreary Cavern.’ There were attempts to retrieve the priest’s corpse in the weeks after, but 39 long days passed until, for a bet, a fellow descended into the cave and found Newnam’s body.

In 1876, a poem entitled ‘The Goblin’s Curse’ about Sturmy’s expedition was published in the Bristol Mercury and Daily Post. The verses include the following Gollum-ish lines:

What a hideous shape! What goggle eyes!

What a head, exceeding the body in size!

What a strange, repulsive, scaly skin!

What a tongue that goes out as the eyes go in!

But uglier far is that horrible grin,

Less like a laugh than a spiteful sneer,

Which seems to extend from ear to ear!

Oh, the Captain had need be a fearless soul

To tackle the Goblin of Pen Park Hole!

"Bravo, my Captain!" the Goblin cried,

Swaying himself from side to side,

And parting his lips, to show beneath

A couple of rows of faultless teeth!

"Bravo, my Captain! so you've come down

All the way from Bristol town!

And you are the man with pluck so high

Who dares the Goblin's curse defy!

Bravo ! Now watch, and in my lake

I'll angle—and yours be the fish I take!"

Gollum at w:Supanova Pop Culture Expo 2014 (Wikimedia Commons)
The Coblynau can be thought of as a Welsh 'Goblin'.

The Hunt for Gollum is a well-reviewed 2009 British fantasy fan film based on the appendices of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy:

Incidentally, as a lad I dwelt in the leafy London suburb of Pinner, not especially noted for Gollum-like creatures, but home to some extensive medieval and later chalk mines, one of which caved in and damaged the junior school I was a once a pupil at:

The area also has connections with much older civilisations, as evidenced by the ancient ‘Weald Stone’ and Celtic Grim’s Dyke in the wooded Old Redding area.

Other interesting cave complexes relatively nearby:

Stephen Arnell’s historical novel, THE GREAT ONE, now on Amazon Kindle:

Monday, 10 February 2025

Skeptics and Parapsychologists Have Something in Common

A new paper published in Frontiers in Psychology examines the similarities and differences between skeptics, parapsychologists, (scientists who study psychic ability), and believers in psychic ability. It challenges the idea that skeptics somehow possess different or superior thinking skills in evaluating the evidence for psychic ability. Here’s the introduction:

Introduction: Belief in psi, which includes psychic phenomena such as extra-sensory perception and post-mortem survival, is widespread yet controversial. According to one of the leading and perhaps most tested hypotheses, high belief in psi can be explained by differences in various aspects of cognition, including cognitive styles. Most of this research has been conducted with lay individuals. Here, we tested the hypothesis that academic researchers who investigate psi may exhibit different cognitive styles than lay individuals interested in psi, and are more similar to skeptics.

And this was their overall conclusion:

Discussion: Our research shows that academics who work with psi differ from lay psi individuals, but not from skeptics, in actively open-minded thinking. In other words, despite their high belief in psi phenomena, psi researchers demonstrate a commitment to sound reasoning about evidence that is no different from that of skeptics.

One of the myths that this research dispels is that skeptics are somehow superior critical thinkers when it comes to psychic research. This is certainly consistent with my own observations over the years. I have personally never seen any case where skeptics demonstrated superior skills at evaluating parapsychological research, or indeed, anything related to the paranormal or psychic ability at all. At best, they are equal in their critical thinking and at worst, they demonstrate obvious biases in their evaluations.

A very important aspect of this discussion is the idea of objective vs. subjective experience. This line isn’t clear cut and there is a lot of ambiguity on the table. What this means is that people who rely on their subjective experiences to create their worldview aren’t necessarily worse thinkers, only different in what they rely on. Objectivity itself relies ultimately on choosing what data to believe.

Better Informed Equals better at Being Objective

Also, lay individuals, whether skeptics or experiencers, were generally worse at critical thinking. No surprise there either. Objective evaluation is a scholarly skill that has to be learned. In general, lay skeptics and experiencers tend more towards knee jerk reactions to data that they don’t like and both exhibit more defensiveness over their positions.

A lot of bias comes from having an emotional attachment to a particular position. Spending more time with a subject includes careful considerations of contrary positions, which in turn will slowly erode strong emotions surrounding a subject and introduce more objectivity.

So these study results shouldn’t be very surprising. Informed people are better at evaluating a subject than uninformed people. Having said that, my long history with the controversies in parapsychology tells me that the situation is decidedly more complicated. This has less to do with logic and rational thinking and more to do with the nature of psychic ability. Believers are not really believers and skeptics aren’t really skeptics. There are deeper layers to this situation.

Who is Really the Believer?

Belief implies a reliance on faith without evidence and skepticism implies objectively examining evidence and not drawing unsupported conclusions. Yet “believers” often rely on evidence, it’s merely a question of interpretation and how much evidence they think that they need. And skeptics often begin from their own sets of beliefs before they examine evidence.

One complication comes from the self reporting nature of the study. It can only measure people’s view of themselves, not the accuracy of their self reflection.

For example, when examining beliefs about psychic ability, it is important to establish the reality of psychic ability first. If, for example, we were examining a discussion about whether trees exist, we would immediately divide that group into rational people who know that trees exist and irrational people who did not believe in trees.

The believers in trees would not be criticized for being inflexible about the reality of trees nor would their critical thinking skills be questioned for refusing to entertain any discussion about it, rather the tree skeptics would be criticized as tree deniers. The entire narrative completely flips depending on what we agree is real.

Who is the Rational One?

So if it’s assumed that psychic ability is real, then of course people are not going to be open to changing their minds about it. Doubt about whether a particular experience is real is weighed against whether it is within the boundaries of ordinary psychic experiences. If psychic experiences are not considered to be exceptional, then the bar for acceptance is not very high. In this case the classification of “believer” is grossly misleading because they are operating on knowledge based on experience, not on personal beliefs.

The other thing to consider is that skeptics tend to talk big about being open minded, and often sincerely believe this to be true about themselves, but in practice most of them demonstrate just the opposite to be true. What passes for careful rationality and critical thinking is often just pride and stubbornness with a lot of ego mixed in. So a skeptic might claim that their mind can be changed by evidence, but when push comes to shove, it gradually becomes obvious that no evidence will ever be enough. In the study, this was somewhat acknowledged by measuring a “need for closure.” While this is certainly related to stubbornness, there may still be a gap between what a person thinks about themselves and what they actually do.

Measuring Skeptical Stubbornness

Skeptical stubbornness is difficult to uncover because it requires repeatedly probing the skeptic to see whether they will change their mind in the face of contrary evidence, but revealing this trait is extremely important in evaluating their critical thinking skills. Part of stubbornness is the belief that one isn’t being stubborn, merely holding steadfast to the truth, so a survey or a psych test that is not designed to specifically uncover this is probably insufficient.

For example, if you asked a skeptic if sufficient evidence would change their mind, they would say that yes, it would. If you instead forced them to quantify exactly what evidence would definitively change their mind, (a successful telepathy test? A personal experience?) they would likely refuse to commit to a concrete answer that would force them to concede, or choose an answer that will always be out of reach. Either path demonstrates stubbornness and a deficiency in critical thinking.

When it comes to these two things: sorting out whether belief is actually experience or whether claims of being open minded and objective are just lip service, it’s very hard for academic studies to sort these two things out, but they have huge ramifications for the conclusions. The flaky believer magically transforms into an open minded holistic thinker and the critically thinking skeptic becomes a stubborn fool.

Know Your Universe Before Passing Judgment

This is an important point because evidence is mounting that we live in a universe where consciousness, not the material world, is fundamental to reality. In that case, reality itself is relative to the observer, which must necessarily change our perception about what constitutes belief vs. reality. It no longer becomes a question of whether someone is correctly viewing reality, but about how far off they are from what is often referred to as “consensus reality.”

The takeaway here is that I think that we have to be careful in our assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of “believers” and “skeptics.” It is a question with far more depth and nuance than first appears. If we don’t question our underlying assumptions, we may lose sight of thinking processes that are far more complex than first appears.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

London's Cabinets of Curiosities: Here be Monsters...and John Dee

A fake merman from Netherlands, 1800-1900. Science Museum, London (Wikimedia Commons)

Cabinets of curiosities, also known as ‘wonder-rooms’, were esoteric collections of objects whose precise rules were undefined. With the growth of world trade and growing interest in early modern science, all sorts of objects were brought back to Europe (and later the USA) to be shown off by the wealthy with a taste for the bizarre, occult-tinged, and vaguely salacious, all under the guise of expanding common knowledge.

John Dee - man of many curiosities

John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I by Glindoni (1913, Wikimedia Commons)

English scholar, mathematician, magician, astronomer, and Queen Elizabeth I’s astrologer, John Dee (1527–1608), was known for his interest in the occult and possession of various cabinets of curiosities. The British Museum displays objects once owned by Dee, including Dee's Speculum - an obsidian Aztec-made demon-summoning device in the shape of a hand mirror, a crystal ball, and various amulets.

An entire article could be devoted to the enlightening life story of John Dee and his scientific interest in alchemy, alongside other eminent scientists of the time, but the following points of interest will have to suffice for now:

“According to MacTutor History of Mathematics biographers J J O'Connor and E F Robertson (2002), before becoming the Queen’s astrologer and, according to some historians, her ‘spy’, on 28 May 1555, Dee was arrested and charged with "calculating". At this time, mathematics in England was considered to be equivalent to the possession of magical powers. Although he was guilty of the charges brought against him, Dee was released in August.

On 15 January 1556, he presented plans for a national library to Queen Mary but failed to receive official backing. Possibly because Mary instigated a campaign against eminent Protestants which included his father Roland Dee who was arrested and taken prisoner in August 1553. He was released after being deprived of all his financial assets.

Queen Mary died in 1558 and the Protestant Elizabeth became Queen. Dee quickly found favor with and was even asked to use his astrological skills to select the most appropriate day for her coronation.

In 1568 he published Propaedeumata Aphoristica and presented the work to Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth was impressed and Dee gave her mathematics lessons to enable her to understand it. The book contains a mixture of good physics and mathematics, and also a lot of astrology and magic. Let us emphasise that we should not think any the less of Dee because of his interests in magic; most of the great scientists and mathematicians of his time, and much later, had such interests. For example Brahe firmly believed in alchemy and astrology as did Cavalieri and Kepler while Newton, like Dee, was obsessed with studying alchemy.

Despite becoming close to Queen Elizabeth, and frequently advising her, he never achieved from her the financial security that he longed for to enable him to devote himself completely to his studies and quest to to understand the ultimate truths about the universe.

According to Gwyn A.Williams, author of When was Wales?: A History of the Welsh (1985), as a political advisor, Dee advocated the foundation of English colonies in the New World to form a "British Empire”, a term he is credited with coining.

We note that in his diaries, Dee refers to himself as Δ, a clever pun on the fact that Δ is the Greek character for the letter "dee" and also a magical symbol.”

Allin's Cabinet of Curiosities

The heyday of the Cabinet was from around the late 15th century to around the 1750s, when Enlightenment thinking began to regard the collections as vulgar and rather déclassé, a bit ‘naff’ in other words.

Case in point, in England, Birmingham’s 'Allin's Cabinet of Curiosities'.

Wikimedia Commons

In Allin’s cabinet there were taxidermied animals; ‘birds of all kinds and beasts of rare creation’ and in the image above there are two birds on the window ledge of the first floor window. Also on display were ‘shells, medals [and] foreign coins from every nation’, and Allin had his own coin struck advertising his shop and his miniature panorama. The scenes in his panorama changed on alternate days, unlike the full scale panorama nearby on New Street, which changed, usually, monthly. He also boasts of a 'crooked telescope that views straight', a mirror that distorts the image and a model of the solar system.

There were of course later exceptions, such as New York’s Hobby Club (1908-17), a businessmen’s dining club which showcased ‘cabinets of wonder’ and selected collections of their unique interests.

The club constitution read, "This Club shall be called THE HOBBY CLUB. The object of the Club shall be to encourage the collection of literary, artistic and scientific works; to aid in the development of literary, artistic and scientific matters; to promote social and literary intercourse among its members, and the discussion and consideration of various literary and economic subjects."

Reminiscent in some ways of the ‘Club of the Damned’, the setting for the BBC1 TV series Supernatural (1977), where prospective members were required to tell a horror story, their application judged on how frightening the story was. Those who failed to tell a sufficiently chilling tale were killed.

One of the club’s entrance stories, presented for you, dear reader:

In 2022, Netflix premiered Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities; rather a good show, but little really to do with actual Cabinets.

Today, the Cabinet of Curiosities is making a something comeback, alongside the renewed interest in already extant collections.

The US

Alex Jordan’s House on the Rock in Spring Green, Wisconsin , boasts a collection of various functioning automata.

Rhode Island’s Musée Patamécanique contains works representing the field of ‘Patamechanics.’ Patamechanics is an artistic practice and area of study inspired by 'pataphysics’, a concept invented by French writer Alfred Jarry (1873-1907) who asserts that the systems of order we live by are ultimately human creations.

Houston’s Museum of Natural Science houses its own Cabinet of Curiosities, and in Los Angeles, the Museum of Jurassic Technology ventures to replicate the thrill that the old cabinets of curiosity once invoked.

In July 2021, the UK saw a ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ room opened at The Whitaker Museum & Art Gallery in Rawtenstall, Lancashire.

In Yorkshire’s very pretty village of Haworth (home of the Brontës) stands The Cabinet of Curiosities, a shop, not a museum, but nicely rendered, nevertheless.

In my own abode, I have an extensive collection of what I have termed ‘Knick-Knackery’ which includes some authentic and inauthentic objects of interest from around the globe, displayed for the visitor’s amusement and awe. Gewgaws, sculptures, Roman and Greek spoila, coins, engravings, machines, medals, toys, and the like.

Chez Arnell

Where to find curious collections in London

Confining myself to London, here are some (usually free) establishments where Paranormal Daily News readers can gaze and wonder at all sort of bizarre esoterica:

Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Rd., London NW1 2BE

The Science Museum, Exhibition Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 2DD

The Horniman Museum, 100 London Rd, London SE23 3PQ

The Hunterian Museum, The Royal College of Surgeons of England 38, 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE

ESPECIALLY: The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History, 11 Mare St, London E8 4RP

The collection includes curiosities such as hairballs, two-headed lambs and Fiji mermaids, dodo bones and extinct bird feathers, as well as the skeleton of a giant anteater. It also includes Sebastian Horsley's nails from his crucifixion (I knew Sebastian as a fellow member of Soho’s notorious Colony Room Club), human remains including shrunken heads, tribal skulls, dead babies in bottles and pickled genitalia of sex workers, tribal art from New Guinea, plus scientific and medical instruments. It also houses celebrity excrement, erotica and contraceptive sheaths used by the Rolling Stones.

Grant Museum, Rockefeller Building, 21 University St, London WC1E 6DE

The John Soane Museum, 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3BP

British Museum, Great Russell St, London WC1B 3DG

The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 5BD

The Victoria and Albert Museum, Cromwell Rd, London SW7 2RL

Tipu Sultan's Tiger (Wikimedia Commons)

And just down the road from me in the Bedfordshire market town of Leighton Buzzard, the ‘Ravens Folly’ museum of oddities:

Author’s own

Stephen Arnell’s book THE GREAT ONE is available now on Amazon Kindle:

The Old Curiosity Shop (1995)


John Dee Biography