Dr Ruth Wilson a junior doctor hears voices – a male voice that slowly begins to oppress her, trying to control her will and suggesting that she commits acts that are otherwise against her own nature. Doctors are convinced that this is a psychological issue but is there another hypothesis? Deanna Laney has murdered her children because the voices told her to do it and Andrea Yates killed her children by drowning them in a bathtub.
Can demonic forces take over and control an individual, causing them to commit a wicked act of murder or other criminal act. Satan’s minions are on the prowl again and have managed to influence a woman named Deanna Laney. In the name of God; she has taken the lives of her two young sons by stoning them to death in an almost Biblical fashion. I believe the demonic laugh of success echoes her mind to this day – torturing her day and night. She now knows she was wrong but why did she do it? Claiming to hear voices in her mind and receiving signs from discarnate spirits from another realm. She acted on the will of God or so she believed.
Convicted homemaker Deanna Laney, a 39-year old Texas wife and mother pleaded legal insanity at a texas court. A jury’s closing statements inferred that, on the 11th May 2003, Deanna acted Insanely and could not possibly have known the difference between right and wrong. Aaron, the third son survived the ordeal, though will remain blinded for life - brain injured and no doubt traumatized.
Another woman; Andrea Yates - also found legally insane by a Texas jury. Yates drowned her 5 children in a bathtub in 20th June 2001 in another biblical right of sacrifice. Andrea believed that Satan had took over her soul and that he was aiming for her children’s souls next – this is why she killed them to spare the children from the evil wrath. She also argued that her children would go straight to heaven as they remained perfect in their innocence and her life was payment in full for the attrocious act. She believed that by fullfiling a biblical prophecy, she would defeat the evil that took over her; Further, she believed this act would save her family and she would be saved.
Dr Ruth Wilson a Junior doctor in a hospital in England hears the voice of a male that begins to oppress her and control her life. Telling her to kill herself and commit acts that are undeniably insane by a psychological examiner – her life and career lies in the balance.
As a profesional spiritual medium who works on cases such as these and appears as an expert on many media shows; my theory for these cases would be the belief that they all portray elements of possible spirit attachment or Demonic possession. I have personally carried out exorcisms and experienced paranormal phenomena that i can only describe as terrifying. My wife has also been face-to-face with evil entities that just laughed at her and swore at her. Do you think its possible then, that a case of insanity could infact be Demonic possession or a case for insanity or hearing voices could be spirit communication or attachment? I would like you to consider the events that led up to a homicide or other such crime. Mostly, the perpetrator of the crime will insist that they were acting on the instructions of an unseen entity – they heard the entity speak to them direct and order the crime. This of course never happens instantaneously as most individuals that are the house for the spirit, claim to have a continuing affiliation with these entities over a period of time, therefore it cannot be a one off act. At first the spirit or demon, and i make this deliberate separation - these are two different entities. One is a grounded spirit intent on having fun and causing mischief, the other is pure evil acting out the will of its dark vibration - Will come in a cloak of light claiming to sympathise with the chosen host (victim) and offer help and friendship as a bargening tool. Often the spirit will claim to be an angel or spirit from heaven or the light and when the victim drops their guard a full possession can take place over time. Most possessions also have a trend whereby the host for possession lives a life that is conducive to harming the soul by the use a narcotics, severe alcohol consumption and the ability to carry out criminal acts.
In 1969 a young woman named Annelise Michel was diagnosed with severe epilepsy because of her nightly seizures, paralysis and innability to speak. Later while praying she began to see demonic entities and believed her condition was the result of demonic possession. She and her family were devout catholics and in 1973 requested the catholic church carry out the right of exorcism (Rituale Romanum) - it was denied. Finally after an exhaustive investigation by the catholic church, in 1975 Bishop Josef Stangl approved the exorcism – the exorcism was going to be conducted weekly in her home. During the exorcisms, She predicted the day when the demons had to leave her and on July 1st 1976 she died - just as previously predicted.
Father Arnold Renz and three others including the parents; were charged with negligent homicide, though during the trial there was evidence of possession through tapes that were recorded during each exorcism and the events that were seen by witnesses. Anneliese had said the demonic entities that possessed her were; Lucifer, Cain, a biblical character, Nero also known as Julius Caesar, Judas the betrayer of Jesus, Flieschman, a disgraced priest in Franken in the 17th century and Hitler. These demons had also spoken direct to the exorcist during the exorcism.
Many Christians believe that this possession had taken place as a lesson for humankind to realize there is more to life than we physically realize. This to me is certain proof that possessions happen – the mere fact there were independent witnesses at each exorcism challenges the explanation of even the most insistent skeptic. If then as I believe this is a true theory; it would seem possible that these possessions could be a vehicle for murder by the demon or entity influencing the mind of the chosen body. This theory would then account for the many cases of murder that happen because of so-called “voices.” If we examine the two cases above, we can assume that both perpetrators believed they became influenced by an unseen force a force that they believe was demonic and evil.
Possession or spirit attachment does not limit itself to human vehicles. A possession can happen in the home the chosen host may live. In the spring of 2005, my friend asked if I would visit a woman in an area of Aberdeen who was experiencing paranormal events in her life. She felt spirits toiling with her. She had experienced presences and was restless in her home – for the past seven years her life had spiraled out of control and gone from being happy and content to depressive. She began to hear voices and these voices were increasingly become aggressive. I was requested to investigate and offer her healing. On a Friday night in June, I went to her home with a colleague. It was not unusual to visit at this time of night – she was an insomniac and a lonely woman and was happy for the company. I was not ready for what I experienced and to this day will never forget the visions that I saw.
Possession can occur in any part of your life though normally there is always an individual that becomes the catalyst for the possession. The person can be a weak individual who is prone to depression, drug misuse, violence and other forms of negative behavior – a perfect home for a discarnate entity. As with the Spiritual law of Attraction (like attracts like; it draws the evil entity closer and the closer the entity gets, the easier it can feed and begin to influence the individual. Before too long a possession can take place. When the entity finally attaches itself to the chosen host, it creates untold havoc and can be the cause of severe depression – almost suicidal tendencies can unfold or murderous behavior. If the spirit is allowed to remain, it will undoubtedly destroy the hosts’ life, much to the demonic spirits enjoyment.
In a small town in Wales in 2002, a young man named Christopher was experiencing some violent and strange happenings. His bed violently shook in the middle of the night while he tried to sleep and he saw demonic entities staring at him from the end of his bed jeering and laughing uncontrollably. He experienced more and more episodes of violence both outside and inside the home and claimed to hear voices. Further; flashing lights appeared before the dark entities emerged. On one occasion, Chris spoke aloud in tongues in a language that was unknown to him – it terrified him to the core of his being and after this final episode - he and his family called for help. My wife Joanne (also an excellent medium) was contacted to examine these strange happenings; it was the first time she had ever faced a particular event such as this.
Once again, this is proof that possession in some form or another can happen and does not need to come out of the pen of a horror novelist. This is real; it can happen to anyone no matter the belief in the religion the person follows. The dangers of dabbling in the occult, is disastrous, especially if you do not know what you are doing. It is a dangerous and perilous journey to take and remains possible that you as a being could be inviting the demon into your world without noticing the events taking place or indeed the risks to your soul. Consideration of this cause can explain or indeed offer another theory for insanity or hearing voices.
Whilst hearing the voices over and again, the victim is consumed by the presence of the entity, it is not long before the being is guiding the soul to commit evil odious acts. During committing a murder, the murderer claims that he or she is not aware of what is going on. Only later when everything is finished do they realize that - standing with blood on their hands – they have committed a murder and taken someone’s life. Occasionally though, the individual is aware of what they are doing and knows that what they are doing is wrong – is that a case for possession or an answer to hearing voices. It most certainly is; the person concerned becomes controlled by the entity and yet he or she knows nothing of this. In short, he or she remains oblivious to an unnatural force that could attach and influence the mind beyond human understanding. It is therefore possible that Schizophrenia can be induced by spirit entities that manipulate the energy of the body to bring about a physical change in the brain or hormones within the human condition.
About the symptoms and plan of the crimes, could it be possible then that a probable excuse would be that, the human did not carry out the murder – it was the entity. That would make the murderer - not a murderer but an accessory to the crime. In a perfect world as with scientific movies; would it not be an ideal condition to capture the spirit and hold it accountable for the atrocious crime. Yet in the real world, it remains a fact that you cannot prove the existence of something that you cannot become aware of by physical sight. If we can’t see it, it is humanistic to not believe it – though we do believe in the presence of God or other holy deity. Why then can we not believe that evil exists and demons, personified in murders as well as physical acts of evil exist within the outer realms?
Insanity as far as I believe is tantamount to possession from an unnatural force manipulating the mind. Psychologists would have you believe that, there is a medical reason for everything - an imbalance here or there. Secretly though, the same professionals will also admit to the possibility of the existence of evil as a supernatural being. We are energy in motion; even though we manipulate other forms of energy to create an opinion, a cure or a system of understanding – it is nothing more than vibrating atoms moving at speeds we cannot grasp. Man did not believe that atoms existed until; it was successfully split in 1911 by a British scientist named Ernest Rutherford. If vibrating atoms vibrate at such a high-speed and we cannot see it, it does not mean that its not there. Thus, the same is a probable thesis for demonic possession or spirit attachment. This energy form exists and manipulates at will, the cases above in some form or another prove the existence of this force, seen or unseen. Be strong and realize that you have the power in yourself to destroy any negative energy and therefore create once more a harmonious balance in life – a mirror image of divine essence.
In the case of Dr Ruth Wilson and other individuals that hear voices – another hypothesis would be that the person is mediumistic and before any medical evaluations take place – seek out the opinion of a professional medium, paranormal investigator and Psychiatrist. If we all work together and keep our minds open to the fact that there are other explanations perhaps we can reduce the problems and risks associated with mental disorders and appropriate some form of healing whether physical or mental.