Thursday 8 May 2008

The fight against TERRORISM is now in other dimensions

We are a humanity in crisis; everywhere we turn are signs of terror whether it’s from murders that happen on our front door or attempts at attacking the heart of our nation by Muslim extremists – terror is here. Our government is forever inventing new methods to fight terrorism and weapons of terror are being used against the groups that sport them.

In the search for peace and safety, we revolutionise new weapons of mass destruction to counter the threats to our nation – to uphold a balance or “quid pro quo”. Covert operations run daily and intelligence is buzzing like a hive of honey bees. Perhaps we have overlooked what is right under our nose claims the author of “Powers of the sixth sense – how to remain safe in a hostile world.” The author claims that we have the ability within ourselves to reduce those risks by using our natural intuitive instincts - a weapon without a weapon with a cause. It follows that this statement has credence. We have evidence of scientific studies that prove the existence of a sixth sense or of extra sensory perception. The US military and other international agencies have researched the use of ‘Psychic Spying’ or ‘Remote Viewing’ as a weapon against terror. The idea that we can predict disasters, possible attacks and breaches of our security may sound like a far-off idea for a Hollywood movie, but the reality is different. One such operation was that of project STARGATE - the American Military studies into the use of ESP and other paranormal abilities to protect our country and to gain intelligence on our potential enemies.

There is now enough evidence to prove that these abilities exist and can be used for our benefit and that of humanity in general. Perhaps bringing the idea that intuition can play a part in our everyday lives is the first step in bringing the fight against terrorism to us personally. Even since 9/11, examples, whereby lives have been spared because of direct intuitive warnings or synchronistic events have played out. One such instance would be as follows; an executive wakes up in the morning and nothing is going right. He has slept through the alarm that normally wakes him at 6am. Frantically, he tries to get to grips with his normal routine and speeds himself along creating more havoc than he planned. His keys, normally in the same place every day have disappeared and he can’t find his briefcase. Sitting down in his dining room with his familiar paper and a coffee – he reads headlines that make him aware of the trouble around. One headline “STOP, LOOK AND WATCH” a warning for kids that play in the street. In the background his radio is playing a song such as “Stop in the name of love” by Diana Ross. He hears the word stop in his mind all morning and images of explosions play in his mind like a movie. It’s all too much and the subtle signs around him cause him to make a decision to stay home. At 08:45 am a passenger jet crashes into the first tower in New York on September 11th 2001. Our executive has saved his own life - he worked for a bank in the tower.

Subtle signs and feelings were built up around the gentleman all morning and being aware spared his life. There are examples of this throughout the United States and some examples are not based on just Terrorism. From this one example – we are able to see how your intuition may play a major role in your life – even on day-to-day terms. Our children are all in touch with their feelings and intuitive side from a young age. It is only society and our dogmas that cause the child to forget the natural intuitive nature. Intuition is not a far-out idea reserved for the so-called righteous or gifted. The fact remains that intuition is innate in every one of us from birth to death and it is our own free will if we use it.

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