Thursday 8 May 2008

Create Your Reality

If there is one thing that we probably hate in life – it is to fail – to experience failure in everything you do. I never wanted to fail at anything and always made sure that I was the best I could be at everything – even if it meant stepping on toes at times. We create fear of failure over very slow periods of time and sure enough as the impetus grows - failure follows but not as much that you would notice – it lurks in a dark recess. I would like to relay my own story as an example that exemplifies the very situation. I lost a marriage and a security business that I had built into a substantial size with offices in the US and in the UK. Eventually I managed to get back on my feet again and as I was taught in the military – you get up and get on with it and worry about the consequences later. I got involved in some military type operations abroad and made some money and on my return begun to build a new life for myself. I decided to give the former part of my life up and embarked on a new career. Whilst studying to become a personal trainer and nutrition advisor, another opportunity landed at my door to buy a gym in the centre of Glasgow at the snip of a price. Using the money I had brought back from my work abroad – I bought the gym and qualified as a personal trainer.

I had changed my life as far as I was concerned - a new beginning and a new business yet still I feared failure. I had a great deal of media attention because of my background and my achievements and even did some TV work for the BBC. Everything was going really well; my name was getting around and business seemed too good but in the recesses of my conscious mind – the fear was beginning to grow once more. Everything was going too well – surely the bubble had to burst soon. As I suspected, the bubble did burst, well more exploded, but it was me that was the trigger mechanism. My fear once more created my reality and just as my expectation of failure – it came and I lost my business once more – I had once again created my own reality. I left the town of Glasgow behind and had to go on the run due to the bad press that was following, and the lies that had been concocted sent a hunter force after me. The hunter now became the hunted and the negativity that consumed my being brought with it, total destruction. It was not long before I found myself with nowhere to go – no food and no roof over my head. I lost everything around me. I knew a friend of mine from the SAS that was living in the north of Scotland and he offered me his garage as a place to stay for a while to keep my head down. I had nothing but an army roll mat – no money, no food, no friends and no one to talk to or to love. I slept in a Garage with nothing but my thoughts of why everything had gone wrong. I ate tins of beans to sustain myself and the odd piece of white bread if I could get it. In this situation many individuals would then turn to the only solace they can find and inevitably suicide would follow. When you have reached the very depths of your soul, it is difficult to see the beauty of life, to experience what is unseen and to welcome the spiritual growth that you are going through. You question your own reality and in turn either kill yourself or go mad in the process. If you do not realize that you have inner strength and can call on the guidance of a higher power – how do you navigate through this maze of disparity? You find yourself in a circle of negativity – of one that is continuous and seems to have no beginning and no end. The reality is of course that you can step from this circle and create a new circle – one of only good and abundance – the true natural reality that has always existed within you.

It was not long before my survival instincts had taken over and in the snap of one decision – I decided that enough was enough. I had always believed in God and in the power of the spirit – of angels and Guardians – now would be my time to prove the theory of the ages. I sat quietly on the edge of my roll mat contemplating on life and if I could get any of mine back. Could I ever be happy again? Taking a black hard backed note book from my bag I wrote a letter to my guardian angel asking for help and writing ten things that I wanted in my life. Here are those ten things;

1. I want to find someone who will love me for who I am and understand me without question.

2. I want to find happiness in everything I do.

3. I want the hurt to leave and to deal with my past.

4. I want to develop spiritually and use the gifts that I have for the benefit of mankind.

5. I want to have enough money to eat and find a home.

6. I want to find work that I will be happy doing.

7. I want to find my true purpose in life.

8. I want to find a woman that loves the same things I do and have a passion for fitness.

9. I want to re-write my autobiography.

10. I want to settle down and have no more pain.

The energy around me changed and I felt a presence such I had never felt before. I felt arms around me and the love that only a creator could bring – the hands that moulded the clay of the pot and created who we are. Like a new born baby taking its first steps, I felt alive and that I could muster the strength to deal with any eventuality – that somehow I knew everything would be alright. In the coming months, things changed for the better and slowly my life began to create its new circle. I was co-creating my own destiny from my intentions and my heartfelt desires.

Very often we fail to create our reality due to the fear that consumes us or the circumstance that surrounds us. We even fear the fear of taking a risk and trying to change and we become comfortable in our own negative vibration – believing that this is as good as its 'gonna' get. The truth is that we created our own fears, we alone were the creators of our own failures and it is only ourselves that through our desire and love can we begin to create our own circle of prosperity, happiness and love. How did I do? Well after I made the decision, I found the woman of my dreams and could tick all the boxes that I required. I created my own happiness and published my work on my true purpose in life. My passion is my spiritual work and as for the healing – the woman of my dreams did that for me. I created my own circle and you can create yours, all it takes is that one snap decision and perhaps a letter to your guardian angel. I still have that note book and the original list and I want you to know that no matter what you are going through – no matter how hard life becomes – you can create your own reality and all you need is the true desire and belief in yourself.

It is a simple law of attraction; we attract what we do want and in contrast – we attract what we don’t want. If our vibratory rate matches that of our desires or our negativity – we attract it whether we want it or not. The trick is to keep one step ahead of our intentions, desires and conscious thoughts. A person who is suffering a never ending cycle of abuse will continue to experience the abuse if they do not change their vibration to that of a higher one. Even by maintaining that they do not want to suffer any more – they give attention to the very existence of that negativity. Very few times does someone actually make the decision to stop and change the vibration that they are on. Unwittingly they continue to give power to that which they do not want and as by the law of attraction manifest it into their awareness. Positivity follows positivity and positivity can follow from negativity only if the intention switch is turned on. You must change your thoughts to change your life for if you do not – you will continue to attract the same. Allow me to explain. A family in a small area of Aberdeen was experiencing tremendous problems in terms of relationships, finances and sibling rivalries that divided the family. The mother who was always complaining about the hand that God had dealt her did not recognize that her thoughts, beliefs and fears were creating her own reality and that by constantly giving attention to the problems she was facing – nothing changed. She remained In a loveless marriage and was forever experiencing other problems in life with her family, finances and her own belief in herself. Over a slow period of time I got her to realize that she was the problem and told her to experiment with my theory – she did. She soon saw the changes that were happening in her life and even though they were small – they were still positive steps in the right direction. She kept a diary of her thoughts and began to write affirmations to change her habitual thought patterns. In a dramatic attempt to change, she left her loveless marriage and set up a new home for herself and he family and slowly her life began to make sense again. I managed to get her into meditation and she began to have a glow about her again, though every now and gain – she would lapse a little and try to go back to her old ways. As far as I was concerned this lapse was just a form of attention seeking – using the attention to fill the void of love. I no longer see the family but I am sure that those steps have become giant leaps and if she has fallen by the wayside it would be her own undoing. All it takes is a decision not to continue with the reality that you are in to recognize the fear and to eradicate the fear with love. In this way – you become a creator of your own positive reality. When conscious fearful thoughts enter your mind, become AWARE;

[1]A – Ask yourself...

W – What was that thought?

A – Accept the thought.

R – Recognize the thought either positive or negative.

E – Eradicate the thought if it does not resonate with your higher self.

By becoming aware, we take the first step to creating our reality as we desire it to be. Stop waiting – Start Creating as my wonderful wife would say.

[1] Powers of the sixth sense – O-Books 2008

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