Thursday 8 May 2008

The Anatomy of thought

The interaction of both the sub conscious mind and conscious mind requires similar interaction through the nervous pathway of the body. For instance, the cerebrospinal chord is the channel through which we receive conscious perception such as the movement of limbs. This is control of the physical senses to bring about the action of a particular movement. This particular system has its nucleus in the brain. The sympathetic nervous system has its centre in a network of nerve cells at the back of the stomach knows as the Solar Plexus, In spiritual terms this is also known as the solar plexus chakra ( a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel)- which is the seat of intuition and psychic ability. This system channels the unconscious mental activity and also supports the vital functions of the autonomic nervous system. These two systems are connected through the vagus nerve which passes out of the cerebral region of the brain and through the throat. It then branches out to the heart and lungs and joins with the sympathetic nervous system making the physical body a “single entity” identified as mind and body.

Each pass through the nervous system also coordinates with each chakra of which there are 7 basic. Starting at the head or cerebral area indentified as the crown chakra – then continues to the 3rd eye chakra which is located at the forehead and is in sympathy with the pituitary gland. The next area is the throat chakra which is the area at the throat and remains the seat of clairaudience. If we continue down we reach the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra and each of these chakras work in tandem with the sympathetic nervous system. The chakras then continue to what could be described as the physical attribute of the spiritual body and encompasses a further two chakras – mainly the sacral plexus chakra based just below the naval and to the back and the root chakra situated just below the groin area. These chakras are in tune with the physical elements of the body and so all work as mind, body and spirit.

So it is true that subconscious thought can effect changes in the physical body. Perhaps then, this would be the basis to effect spontaneous healings within an individual or the method by which we are able to change our outlook and circumstances in life. Understanding the physical path of thought and perception can help us correlate the spiritual with the physical.

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