Thursday 8 May 2008

The Book's free offer

SUBJECT: MAKE THE WORLD SAFER - Powers of the sixth sense campaign

Dear friend,

As a valued reader of this ezine, I have an irresistible offer for you that includes over $500 in free gifts.

Your special free gifts include...

1) A high resolution copy of award winning images of spiritual beauty. or many others

2) A free copy of my Angels E-Book with how to do angelic attunements so you can attune your friends and family.

3) A free copy of some of my radio interviews sent directly to you.

4) You will be entered into a draw and 2 individuals will receive a free reading with me worth $175

5) A free Spiritual e-book about the spirit world.

6) Friend and Author Roy Klienwachter has agreed also to give as a free gift his excellent e-book of 300 spiritual quotations.

Now, here's how you can grab these valuable free gifts...

You see, my friend Jock Brocas author of “Powers of the sixth sense – how to remain safe in a hostile world” is running a campaign called “Make the world safer.” Trying to get the message contained in his internationally acclaimed book to the right people.

All *you* need to do to get over $500 in free gifts is grab a copy of their book for just $13.37 off

How's THAT for a win-win celebration??

The book is an investment – why?

* Learn to use your 6th sense in a more productive way

* Reduce Terrorism

* Reduce Violence, abuse and rape

* Reduce threats from the unseen world

* Stop child abduction

* Create the world you want to live in

Then all you have to do to get your free gifts is just email the receipt you'll get from to them and they'll slide your free gifts right over to you.

Send the receipt to:

This is what one teenage kid said;

Jock, I just want to send you and email telling you how much you have helped me. I meditate daily now, and each and everyday my sixth sense is becoming stronger. Your book Powers of the Sixth Sense is an amazing book, and really taught me a lot more than I already knew of the spiritual world. Over the past couple years I have been stressed out, filled with aggression, the normal teenage symptoms, and I did not know how to cope with it. Your book has changed my life, and has got ridden of all that stress and aggression. I also see you talk about Reiki, my Mom is a Reiki master, and just love helping people out. Jock, you are a great person, and thank you for sharing such valuable information.


This is what another reader said;

Hi Jock,
I just finished the book Powers of the Sixth Sense. I rarely ever watch the news because of the fried brain syndrome from negative information. Therefore reading the Powers of the Sixth Sense gave me so many insightful and simple to do things to protect my personal space and reinforcing my intuition skills.
Everything was kinda scarey to realize that these things do happen.
However, I am looking into transferring this into a communication for
my grand children to understand.
Something very interesting happened after reading this book and raising my self awareness of what is out there. I no longer see things as just coincidental and ask for better understanding of my feelings.
Choosing to walk in JOY and continued protection from Gods Gift of that Gut feeling. My intuition of always going forward in 100% pure love and light with the highest good for all. I really was thanking the Holy Spirit for the Sheild of Grace. Thank you Jock and may our God continue to Bless all of us!

You will also be invited to join my good friend and TV Producer (soon to be of Powers of the sixth sense) Margaret Wendt on the Radio show Spiritual Truth and hear me and Margaret discuss subjects you would not attempt., However, the celebration ends at midnight Eastern Time on the 27th May 2008.

So the only way you can grab all the free gifts is to purchase your copy of Powers of the sixth sense and get the receipt from Amazon over to Jock at before midnight.

[Your Name Here]

P.S: Remember, to receive your $500.00+ in free bonuses you must email the receipt to by midnight Eastern Time tonight!

P.P.S: When you order before Midnight tonight, you'll also get a free spiritual ebook.

P.P.P.S Please note that the Amazon system sometimes updates slowly and it may show that the book won't be shipped for a day or two, however plenty of books have been printed for this celebration.

P.P.P.P.S: Remember it's also a perfect gift for birthdays, graduation, Mother's and Father's Days or just to keep your family safe.

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