Jock Brocas is a spiritual author and teacher with books published internationally. Jock is also the president of the charity organization assmpi and works tirelessly to he others develop spiritually and live a more rewarding life. Join Jock Brocas on a spiritual journey.
Native American, Mayan, Aztec and many other indigenous cultures tell us of the legendary 13 crystal skulls that are believed to be scattered throughout the world and possess important information for humankind. It is prophesied that when the 13 skulls are reunited, this significant event will mark a transformational turning point for humankind. But it will only happen if the human race is developed enough to receive this information.
Most crystal skulls that have been found are carved from whole quartz crystals and are either clear, smoky, or colorful in appearance. The skulls vary in size, shape, and refinement with technique and are thought to originate from ancient Mesoamerican cultures.
Indigenous Spiritual Points of View
Pueblo Spiritual Advisor Patricio Dominguez: “The crystal skulls are complete depositories of knowledge and each skull contains a particular specialist area of information - like a living library [each skull is like one volume in a set of encyclopedias]. And the people who will in the future be able to 'read' the crystal skulls will only be able to extract all the knowledge from the skulls once they are all assembled together...
Of course, the knowledge that is going to come out from the skulls is quite unimaginable to our current minds. But that it is definitely going to come out at a certain time is already foregone. It has been prophesied. But whether we humans then use that knowledge for good or for our own destruction is really down to our preparations."
13th generation Quiche Maya spiritual leader Grand Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj Perez, head of the National Council of Maya Elders: "The prophecy says now is the time of the awakening. This is your job now, to awaken. The Vale of the Nine Hells is past and the Time of Warning has now arrived. It is time to prepare for the Age of the Thirteen Heavens. The time of 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau is fast approaching, and they shall be here among you to defend Mother Earth. The prophecy says, 'Let the dawn come. Let all the people and all the creatures have peace, let all things live happily', for the love must not only be between humans, but between all living things.”
The Mitchell-Hedges Skull
One of the better known crystal skull mysteries involves the Mitchell-Hedges skull, discovered in 1924. Frederick Mitchell-Hedges claimed his daughter, Anne, found the skull in Mayan city of Lubaantun but critics allege that it was planted there by Mitchell-Hedges. This heavy and perfectly carved natural quartz skull is anatomically correct and looks like it wascreated with modern-day tools but there is no evidence to support this. To date, nobody has been able to prove that the Mitchell-Hedges skull is a fake.
No matter how, the process was clearly sophisticated, even by more modern standards of creation, and its conception is a mystery, since quartz has the tendency to shatter. Said to have psychic amplifier abilities and can transmit information through the quartz crystal, it is unknown where the Mitchell-Hedges skull quartz came from, although it is similar to Californian quartz. Determining its origins is made even more difficult because quartz does not age and is formed in various geologic settings.
The skull is said to do many things: induce trances, cause some people to go insane in its presence, emit strange smells and mysterious sounds manifest images of the past and future and even create a fire if the light is just right. It was likely used for healing and has supposedly cured people of deadly diseases.
Knowledge is also said to be imparted from the Mitchell-Hedges skull through channeling. Some channelers say that inter-dimensional beings created the skull. It has also been claimed that the skull was not made by anyone's hands, but channelled into being by thought alone, which makes it a thought-form. Others claim that the skull tells us explore the oceans because evidence of a previous culture is there and that the feeling of separation that humans suffer is the source of all problems in our world. It also claims we are our messing with our world through radiation and atoms and that this is causing all the weather, climate and axis issues.
Another theory about the Mitchell-Hedges skull is that it might have been rescued before the destruction of Atlantis or that it hails from extraterrestrials, who may have had much more sophisticated tools. Either that, or the extraterrestrials showed the Aztec people how to carve this amazing skull. It’s hard to say if this could be true, but it is interesting to think about the skull’s mysteries.
Faked Crystal Skulls?
It ispossible that many of the crystal skulls found in the world were faked. During the 1800s, the public was very interested in acquiring pieces from ancient cultures, so it is possible that many of these items were made to meet that need and sell to whomever wished to own them. Unfortunately, crystal skulls have never been found at an officially documented archaeological site but that could be because archaeologists had not yet begun to use more scientific methods at that time. It would be difficult to replicate the Mitchell-Hedges skull even with today's tools, but the others could be fakes. Whether you believe in the crystal skulls or not, that's up to you.
Judith Joyce. 2010. The Weiser Field Guide to the Paranormal: Abductions, Apparitions, ESP, Synchronicity, and More Unexplained Phenomena from Other Realms.
Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas. 2012. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls.
During the 1970s, UK national broadcaster BBC One would broadcast the special Ghost Story for Christmas Series during the holiday season; usually one of M.R James’ chilling tales, but also Dickens (The Signalman) and Le Fanu (Schalcken the Painter). The tradition was revived in 2005 with sporadic stories, thence becoming a more regular event under the aegis of writer/director/actor Mark Gatiss (Sherlock/The League of Gentlemen/Dracula). BBC Two’s 2023 Christmas offering is an adaptation of Arthur Conan-Doyle’s ‘Egyptomania’ horror tale, Lot No 249.
Lot No. 249 by Arthur Conan Doyle (A Tale of the Supernatural)
With the exception of The Signalman the 1970s, stories are freely available on YouTube, but that hasn’t stopped beloved British classics channel Talking Pictures reviving the idea and broadcasting the 1970s shows.
Which brings us to the main subject of this piece. The 1972 ghost story, A Warning to the Curious, was an adaptation of the M.R. James story concerning the hidden ‘Three Cursed Crowns’ of the Kingdom of East Anglia, which if discovered, will doom the finder and foreshadow great evil befalling England. The terrible consequences for treasure hunters are depicted in the drama:
A Warning to the Curious (1972)
The Wuffingas - East Anglia’s First Ruling Dynasty
The Three Crowns of East Anglia remains the flag of the region, consisting of the red St George’s Cross of England, combined with a blue shield bearing three gold crowns - the arms of the early Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of East Anglia. Medieval heralds ascribed them to the kingdom and to its first ruling dynasty, the Wuffingas (c. 599—749 AD).
The Wuffingas are also referred to as Uffingas or Wiffings and their ancient kingdom today includes the English counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Wikimedia CommonsThe kingdom of East Anglia (Early Saxon period)Wikimedia Commons
Could M.R James’ Chilling Story Of the 3 Cursed Crowns Come True?
With the recent discovery of a pagan temple complex at the Wuffingas ('wolf people') dynastic capital in Rendlesham, Suffolk, will the legendary crowns be found -and what could the result be if they are? Can there be any truth in M.R James’ story - the finders cursed to a horrible death and the country doomed to invasion?
Apparently, some Wuffinga royal regalia was taken by the Mercian kingdom as it rose to dominance - only to be followed by a relatively swift fall and displacement by the Cerdic House of Wessex.
The Wuffingas are best known for the Sutton Hoo Burial, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. Possibly the tomb of Wuffinga King Raedwald (560-624 AD), an intriguing anomaly who apparently kept a foot in both Pagan and Christian camps, the haunted ship tumulus is shown in the 2021 motion picture The Dig:
The Dig (2021)
The Wuffingas, as the ‘wolf clan’ are also said by some to be the descendants/kin of the mythic Beowulf, a Geat from Southern Sweden. Wuffa (d. 578 AD?), the legendary king who gave his name to the dynasty, was actually not the first East Anglian monarch of the line. That was Wehha (d. 571 AD?), another semi-historical character, who according to the 13th Century ‘Anglian Collection’, was the son of Wilhelm, who was te son of Hryþ, who was the son of Hroðmund, the son of Trygil, the son of Tyttman, the son of Casere Odisson, the son of the chief god Wōden.
The name Wehha has been suggested as a shortened version of Wihstān, the father of Beowulf’s companion Wiglaf, perhaps evidence for the connection between the Wuffingas and the Swedish royal dynasty of the Scylfings.
Eorpwald (reigned from 624 AD, assassinated c. 627 or 632 AS), succeeded his father Rædwald as King of the East Angles. After becoming king, Eorpwald received Christian teachings and was baptised in 627 or 632. Soon after his conversion, he was killed by Ricberht, a pagan noble. Eorpwald was the first English king to be killed due to his adoption of Christianity (although possibly syncretically infused with heathen elements) and was venerated by the Church as a saint and martyr.
He was the inspiration for the king whose tomb supposedly contained both Christian and Phallic Infidel symbols in Angus Wilson's classic novel Anglo-Saxon Attitudes (1956): ‘Gerald Middleton is a sixty-year-old self-proclaimed failure. Worse than that, he’s "a failure with a conscience." As a young man, he was involved in an archaeological dig that turned up an obscene idol in the coffin of a seventh-century bishop and scandalized a generation.’ (from Good Reads)
Wikimedia Commons
A Timely Warning to Archeologists
To the archaeologists digging in Rendlesham, a timely warning paraphrased from Doctor Zaius (Maurice Evans) in Planet of the Apes (1968), “Don't look for it. You may not like what you find.”
Planet of the Apes (1968)
To close, another Antiquarian mystery from the mind of Montague Rhodes James:
The Treasure of Abbot Thomas (1974)
Stephen Arnell’s first novel, Roman Mystery The Great One is now available on Amazon Kindle (cover art by the Earl of Buchan).
Dowsing emerges as a captivating connection, bridging the gap between the visible and the invisible within a realm teeming with hidden energies and uncharted potentials. This ancient practice, shrouded in mystery and enriched by tradition, finds a vibrant warrior in an individual who is renowned in the field. His name is Raymon Grace—a man who has become synonymous with the art and power of dowsing. Grace wields his tools with mastery and possesses a treasure trove of captivating stories, which not only unveil the Earth's mysteries but also unleash the dormant potential within each individual. We delve into the world of dowsing through the lens of Raymon Grace's transformative teachings.
Understanding Dowsing and It’s Power
Dowsing, an ancient technique, involves skilled practitioners utilizing various tools like rods, pendulums, or even humble twigs to successfully locate elusive treasures like water sources, minerals, or other hidden resources. Beyond its practical applications, dowsing is a journey into the subtler realms of energy and intuition. In spite of the skepticism and ongoing debates surrounding its scientific foundation, dowsing remains a captivating practice that seamlessly bridges the realm of earthly wisdom with ethereal connections. However, perhaps not as well known is the power within the art of dowsing. It has the ability to become a transformational experience that can turn someone’s life around or become the catalyst to a deep healing.
Raymon Grace: A Living Legend
Raymon Grace, hailing from the rolling landscapes of Virginia, is a towering figure in the world of dowsing. A real cowboy character with wisdom and wit, and a charismatic speaker. With his extensive expertise acquired over the course of many decades, he truly personifies the essence of a genuine dowser. He not only possesses the gift to unveil the hidden depths of spirituality and the Earth, but he is also dedicated to unearthing the untapped potential that lies within each individual.
What I appreciate about him is his no nonsense attitude to things. He has a strong connection with Native Americans and learned from them to develop his unique spiritual insights. With his extensive expertise acquired over the course of many decades, he truly personifies the essence of a genuine dowser. He not only possesses the gift to unveil the hidden depths of spirituality and the Earth, but he is also dedicated to unearthing the untapped potential that lies within each individual.
Raymon is a spiritual warrior and has no time for evil acts in the world. He resolves problems that originate in the etheric to prevent them from appearing in the material world. Once they emerge, he promptly eradicates any vestige of negativity or malevolent deeds. Whilst this may seem unbelievable, truth really is often stranger than fiction. Consequently, he has won accolades from very high quarters for his work and dedication to humanity. Yet, he is a humble man and one that I tower above, but only in height. He is a giant in his world with no real equal.
Grace Empowerment
Raymon's philosophy is one of empowerment. He perceives dowsing not merely as a method for locating water or minerals, but rather as a powerful instrument for individual and societal metamorphosis. His unique approach intertwines traditional dowsing methods with an expansive understanding of human consciousness and the power of positive intent. He also transforms water, similar to the astounding occurrences recorded in history. However, he does not convert it into wine, but rather into a sublime substance vibrating at a higher frequency, endowed with the power to heal. He manipulates time, banishes spirits, and tackles cases that demand his intervention to cleanse the criminal underworld.
I am quite a scientifically minded individual. When it comes to other worldly phenomena and mediumship, evidence for me is a prerequisite to my acceptance. Much to my delight, Raymon has a plethora of verified feats that challenge science and has taken part in scientific research. All he wants to do in the world is ‘good,’ and to serve those who are in need, but be aware, he is no fool.
An Invite To Experience Raymon Grace Teachings First Hand
I was very fortunate to be invited to one of Raymon’s workshops as his guest and experience first hand what he teaches. I attended day 2 of the workshop along with 50-60 other participants who attended day 1, including my wife who has been a student of Raymon’s. He also endorsed her latest book ‘Clear Spirit, the Life Changing Power of Energy Clearing.’
Now I cannot profess to know much about dowsing and haven’t had any personal experiences, but I have witnessed its power from the work my wife has done and heard stories of the somewhat miraculous works of Raymon himself. Always the skeptical enquirer, I was delighted to find that many of Raymon’s extraordinary stories were true, including scientific validations of his ability, and many others who attested to healings and transformations.
New Age - Not Me
You may think that Raymon's teachings are exclusively for individuals who gravitate towards the new age movement and harbor the belief that they possess the power to instantaneously transform the world through love and mere thoughts, or by employing dowsing to halt warfare. Absolutely not! That's not the way things work and shows a lack of understanding of the mechanics of spirit and divine law. Now I am not saying that everyone is all light and love, not at all. Although, even though some people may have incorrect beliefs and unrealistic expectations, I have met many extraordinary individuals.
Raymon’s students range from military officials, doctors, scientists and many other people who have a genuine passion to serve humanity. They are all amazing people. I met a couple of women who are in business together and who use the power of dowsing to develop beautiful landscapes in California. For me that was quite a remarkable story, and you will hear more from Martha and Marta in a future article. Or Nancy who lives right on the Gettysburg battlefield and who recalled stories of phenomena she has experienced in the area. Who knows, a PDN visit could come out of that.
Clearing Negative Energy
Ruth decided to travel to Raymon’s class just after the war started with Israel. She had studied some of his videos and felt her passion stir within. She also believes in the power of healing. Ruth's son, who is currently studying in Israel, is a subject of great concern for her. She firmly believes in doing everything possible to help him and others who are suffering, even if it involves clearing negative energy. Now that is selfless service.
No one told me I could not do it
I will never forget one of the messages that really struck me. Despite my initial skepticism, something stood out and strongly impacted me. Raymon Grace was telling one of his stories about his dowsing projects, which seemed unbelievable and like something out of a Harry Potter movie. Very matter of fact and nonchalantly, he states;
“No one told me I couldn't do it and I don’t know what I don’t know, so I did it anyway.”
And what he did, worked. I am not going to recount one of those stories but suggest you attend one of his workshops.
The Power of Stories in Teaching
At the heart of Raymon Grace's teachings are his stories—narratives rich with wisdom, humor, and insight. These stories offer more than just entertainment. They are vessels of knowledge, intricately woven with experiences that deeply resonate with his audience. Through tales of dowsing triumphs, community healing, and personal revelations, Grace illustrates the profound impact of dowsing, making the intangible tangibly powerful. To truly grasp the profound wisdom within a story, one must listen attentively to the unspoken messages it conveys. Only then can you fully immerse yourself in its rich and profound teachings. After all, as human beings, we are built for story telling, so what better way to transmit knowledge through story. The Native Americans, who are embedded in Raymon’s philosophy, are often taught through stories and communicate through stories.
Empowering Through Dowsing
Central to Grace's mission is the empowerment of individuals and the capacity within each person to affect change. One of his principles is that ‘energy follows thought.’ He firmly believes in the ability of dowsing to unlock personal growth and community well-being. His workshops are more than just lessons on how to find water or clear energies; they are transformative experiences that provide individuals with the necessary tools to access their inner potential and create positive transformations in both their personal lives and surroundings.
Continuing the Journey
Raymon Grace's legacy is an ongoing narrative of inspiration and empowerment. His work has spawned a vibrant community of dowsers, eager to explore the mysteries of the Earth and harness the potential within themselves. Through books, seminars, and personal engagements, Grace continues to spread the message of dowsing, not as a mere practice, but as a path to empowerment and a deeper understanding of the world. He is further on in his years and I hope that he will continue to share his wisdom until he takes his last breath. I felt truly honored to be in his presence and to witness at first hand the passion he has for serving humanity.
Final Thought
In Raymon Grace's enduring journey with dowsing, we find a profound lesson—the Earth speaks to those who listen, and within its whispers lie secrets waiting to be discovered. Grace's life is a testament to the transformative power of dowsing, not only as a means to find water or minerals but as a tool for personal empowerment and communal harmony.
As we stand amidst the energies that weave through our world, we are reminded of the power of stories, the strength of intent, and the unyielding potential that resides within each of us. Raymon Grace's teachings invite us to embark on this journey of discovery, to harness the power of dowsing, and to awaken the dormant capabilities that await within the depths of our being.
One great gift I received from that weekend was meeting the people at the seminar and spending time with individuals who just wanted to end suffering.
Finally, keep tuned in as Raymon will be my guest on Deadly Departed. If you have a question, send your questions to:
Observations of a Parapsychologist/Psychic Entertainer By Loyd Auerbach
I’ve worked with some genuine psychics and mediums of extremely high caliber and psychic functioning, in investigations, under laboratory conditions, and in situations where they applied their talents.
Several years ago (2005), I wrote and presented a paper to a Parapsychology Foundation conference on mediumship in Charlottesville, VA, on what I’ve learned about psychics and the commonalities of the very best from working with some of the best over the years. I’ve since presented the topic at several parapsychological conferences, and had lots of feedback from colleagues that they, too, came to similar conclusions (but hadn’t really made a list).
In this article, I pass along what I’ve learned about the commonalities of the best psychics – and when I say “best,” yes I do to some extent mean the most accurate (really, the ones who are accurate most of the time). But what’s below is really about the more personal commonalities of the psychics and mediums who often seem impressive to people, and who work best with researchers and investigators.
How Psychic Is A Self-Proclaimed Psychic
It is not my intention to discuss in this article how to judge “how psychic” is a self-professed psychic, psychic medium, or medium. That requires a separate piece of its own. To my mind, choosing a psychic practitioner to work with can be summed up in two points: (a) how useful is the information provided by the practitioner and (a) how useful is the practitioner.
As to the first, one can only judge the usefulness of information within the context of the situation itself. I have observed a number of psychic practitioners provide information irrelevant to the situation. For example, in working with them in investigations of reported apparitions, hauntings and poltergeists, one should look at more than the verifiability of the information and consider how the information explains, supports, or melds with the experiences of the witnesses and information gathered in researching the case. Much of the usefulness of a psychic practitioner’s information in the resolution of cases rests with how that information is received and accepted by the clients (and perhaps the discarnate entity).
Psychic Practitioners and Ego
The usefulness of psychic practitioners is often related to how ego-involved the psychic is and his or her interpersonal skills. A psychic should not be the main focus of the investigation process or reading, as that should remain the experiences of the clients. Certainly while the focus in an experiment is on the subject, it’s the experiment itself that needs to be the focus.
Look At Me I’m a Great Medium
Many psychics and mediums seem to have a need to be the center of attention, but if they are good at communicating and working with people, they can still be good team players. It is those having a need to be “right” who can be real problems to deal with, especially when their perceptions are contradictory to the experiences of the witnesses and to other data collected, or to the results of an experiment.
Psychic Integrity
The best practitioners are those who understand that their psychic perceptions may sometimes be incomplete, influenced by their biases or personal problems, symbolic, or even from a different source than the current situation. Furthermore, they are willing to take each perception and examine it for both validity and relevance. The practitioner recognizes that others on the investigative or research team and perhaps even witnesses in a case investigation, or the client in a reading, may need clarification or may need to fit the practitioner’s perceptions into other parts of the case or even disqualify them for lack of validity or relevance. The Psychic or Medium does not become defensive if told that a particular perception is incorrect, misinterpreted, or misguided.
They realize that they may not be psychic in all situations. For example, many mediums who spend their time communicating with spirits are good when it comes to apparition (ghost) cases, but lousy – even totally “blind” – when it comes to reading living people. Many psychics who can read people or objects can’t pick up anything in apparition cases.
Consider The Science
They are willing to consider various non-paranormal and non-spiritual explanations for events in a case or experience and to consider fraud. They will follow suggestions from the field researchers, especially where focusing their perceptions to gain more or different information is concerned. They will participate with the investigators in trying to understand the initial and subsequent factors that led the clients to believe their building is haunted or to an individual believing he/she had an intense psychic experience. They are willing to discuss and consider their perceptions in light of the observations of the other investigators. They are willing to let go of ownership of their perceptions in discussion with the investigators and witnesses.
They are willing to learn the perspective of the researcher and field investigator, even to the point of understanding good investigative and experimental procedures. They may have their own personal spiritual or religious beliefs, but they do not force them into the cases or on others.
They consider the clients’ needs above their own.
They have a sense of humor, especially with regards to how seriously they take themselves.
Most of all, they have a real curiosity about their own abilities, what their limits might be, how they do in different situations and conditions, and how psi might actually work. I will note that those working as mediums seem to express much more curiosity about understanding what’s going on and the scientific studies of their abilities (and the possibility of life after death/Survival of Consciousness) than those who work as psychics (with no mediumship practice). On speculating about this, I believe it may be a result of mediums being focused on communication with living and deceased people – and the communication process -- while psychics are often more concerned with the information rather than the people.
Psychics and Mediums Must Work In Harmony With The Investigators
The best psychics and mediums seem to work with the investigators and the clients to set expectations of success at a reasonable level. While they are able to cite past successes, they are aware of their own limitations and are honest about them.
The best seem to display many additional qualities beyond their psychic talents. They have excellent interpersonal skills, and because of that are confident without being egotistical. It has been said that psychics often have great egos. This can be a plus if the practitioner understands the place of a big ego and is able to both freely admit this and most importantly to be humorous about it.
You Need a Good Sense Of Humor
The best psychics and mediums generally display a good sense of humor, especially about themselves. They do take their work seriously, but because of their maturity, they see the lighter side of life as extremely important. They actually enjoy watching (good) psychic entertainers and magicians, unlike many who don’t fit the criteria of this article who voice objections to “making fun of” the paranormal.
Personally, I’ve always said I take my subject seriously – but not myself. And I can have fun with it all. That sums up the attitude of the best psychics and mediums.
One special note: There are some very famous psychics out there who don’t fit these commonalities. They’ve often bullied their way to the top, or used any bit of mystery and/or fame and/or publicity to get there and frankly, what I end up observing about their psychic abilities (in my role as a parapsychologist) is extremely unimpressive. But even if they were incredibly psychic, I still wouldn’t recommend people to them because as people, they leave much to be desired. One of them (who has since died) was downright mean to people even in her TV appearances!
To sum up, here’s a list of the qualities I’ve found. I encourage all mentalists/psychic entertainers to incorporate these into your performing persona, naturally adapted to your own personality.
The best psychic practitioners
• Are confident without being egotistical (but still have a healthy ego)
• Display good “people skills” (with the living and the dead)
• Don’t set expectations too high, and know their own limitations and biases
• Are still willing to learn (i.e. from a parapsychologist/field researcher)
• Are curious about their own abilities, how they work, and what their limits are.
• Do not force their beliefs on others, even as they stand by their own beliefs.
• Put the clients first.
• Don’t claim to be right all (or even any particular unverifiable percentage) of the time.
• Display a good sense of humor, especially when it comes to themselves.
In other words, good psychic practitioners have good people skills above all else!
The 17th century was a time of significant development for the maritime industry, particularly in the United Kingdom. Golden opportunities abounded. Shipbuilders began to modernize merchant vessels to meet importing and exporting demands. New faces arrived on Alnmouth’s windswept coastal shores of Northern England on a daily basis, turning the once-quiet village into a bustling enterprise. Local inns were forever packed to the rafters and weary sailors often found themselves sleeping rough, choosing the streets instead of the cramped, rat-infested conditions of their own ships. As councilors became aware that the lack of provision and comfortable beds could tarnish the town’s reputation, the idea of a coaching room became the perfect solution to the sailor-strewn street. Construction of the 32-room Schooner Hotel was soon underway. It was named after the most common ship that docked at the harbor in those days.
Visitors say the tranquility of the village and its beautiful coastline fills their hearts with peace but the storms cast a feeling of dread. Waves have been described as salivating beasts, devouring everything in their path. When dark, dreary weather closes in, people seek warmth and refuge in cozy, quaint ale houses with roaring, comforting log fires. As rain batters the tavern windows and wind howls through the chimney breasts, people begin to swap chilling stories of the Schooner Hotel which is said to be occupied by 60 ghosts...
From prosperous times to drunken nightmares
The Schooner Hotel became a prosperous venture that provided many jobs for the locals. In contrast, many inconveniences and anxieties also arose from its existence. Controlling drunken sailors became a tall order. Disorder became commonplace and violence regularly spilled out into the once quiet streets. Fist fights became part of the fixtures and fittings, as did a mounting death toll.
One summer night in the 18th century, a group of rowdy and heavily intoxicated young sailors began to squabble. After a while, a fight started and the carnage poured out onto the dark street. The violent men grappled, kicked, punched, and gouged at each other like wild animals. Suddenly, a tall, broad, and wraith-like figure emerged from the sea mist that surrounded the town. Pulling back his trench coat, he withdrew two pistols and shot two of the sailors in the face, killing them instantly. The other rogues looked on in horror as the mysterious figure, his face unrecognizable in the dimly lit street, walked towards the two lifeless bodies.
The demonic figure grasped the collars of the blood-soaked corpses and dragged them into the darkness. After an extensive search by locals and the police, the sailors were never found. While the terrifying being was never seen again, in recent years, there have been reported sightings of a tall, broad, skulking, faceless figure in the hotel. He slowly thuds and creeps along the corridors, dragging what appears to be two bloody carcasses behind him. Was this monstrous character once a guest at the Schooner with a thirst for violence and death?
Ghostly reminders of a disastrous love affair
The young ladies of Alnmouth often watched the sailors working in the harbor. Their smart uniforms and robust physiques were appealing. Everything about a sailor conveyed masculinity, adventure, bravery, and hard work, traits that were often difficult to find among the local men. However, relationships between sailors and the local ladies would begin and end as quickly as they had started, leaving many a broken heart in the process.
One infamous, heartbreaking story involves a young girl and a French sailor. He had docked for several days while awaiting cargo. The duo enjoyed many coastal walks. They would walk hand in hand and ever so slowly, love began to blossom. The young lady was besotted. The handsome sailor has stolen her heart.
On his last night before sailing, he surprised the girl with a suite he had arranged in the Schooner Hotel. After a wonderful meal and a romantic night, the girl awoke to find the sailor gone. Frantically, she darted to the harbor, but his ship had set sail. She had given her heart to him and he had promised her the world. Without a word, he had vanished like a thief in the night. Gone forever.
Devastated and heartbroken, she made her way back to the suite and ended her life. Her lifeless body was found the next morning by cleaning maids, hanging from the rafters. Knowledge of the exact room where this inconsolable girl committed suicide has been lost in the mists of time but the spirit of a pale and weeping young lady is regularly reported. She glides through the corridors in the dead of night wearing an expression of devastation.
The horrifying family massacre in Room 28
One dark December evening, a young family of four arrived at the Schooner Hotel. Their carriage and horse were taken to the stables, and they were escorted to their room. At around midnight, the hotel’s bustling nightlife began to fade. Last orders had come to an end and candles were slowly extinguished. The drunken jeering of sailors and the clanking of tankards faded with the light. The bolting of rooms could be heard echoing throughout the corridors as guests settled. The landlord carried out his final checks and made his way to his quarters, completely unaware of the catastrophe that awaited him at first light.
At around 6 am, the landlord was abruptly awoken by the shrill cries of the morning maid. He clambered to his feet, shuffled into his nightgown, and darted down the corridor to investigate. The pitiful cries took him to the top floor where the young family slept. Noticing that the bedroom door was slightly ajar, he cautiously walked inside and witnessed something that would haunt him until his dying day.
The maid lay shivering on the floor in a fetal position, crying hysterically. The large tankard of milk that had been requested for delivery by the family the previous evening, was strewn across the floor. As he looked up, he saw the mutilated bodies of the family. They lay lifeless on their beds, their hands clasped together at their waists, as though purposely placed in that position. Their faces were unrecognizable. Beaten and bloody. Lacerations covered their naked bodies and vital organs lay at their sides. The bed sheets were soaked with blood. Not an inch of material or the floor was spared from the bloodied mess. The odd finger and limb could be seen on bedside tables and piles of guts and gore sat like small mole mounds around the room.
The bar lord lost consciousness at the horrific sight. Once composed, he immediately alerted the police. Sadly, the culprit of this heinous crime was never found. It was suggested that a local merchant may have been responsible. Some months earlier, the merchant agreed to a business deal with the father of the family that had left him in financial ruin. The merchant regularly made threats of revenge but never threats of such violence. Due to a lack of evidence, the merchant was released without charge. Unfortunately, the killer, whoever it may have been, remained free to roam the streets of Alnmouth for the rest of his days.
What lurks within Rooms 16 and 17?
Several spirits are said to move between rooms 16 and 17. Many guests have reported being abruptly woken in the night by an overpowering smell of burning. Dark shadows with elongated fingers are said to manifest at the end of the bed and the terrifying sight is often accompanied by paralysis and a feeling of dread. After what seems like several minutes, the figures vanish. The experience is so horrifying that many guests vacate the hotel immediately after. In addition to this, unnerving pounding noises are heard on the corridor walls outside. The spirit of a boy is said to be responsible, and he has been seen running down the corridor before vanishing into thin air. An eerie silence permanently permeates these rooms, accompanied by regular drops in temperature.
Recently, a hidden door was discovered connecting the two rooms. The door is covered by wallpaper and a thin layer of plaster. A clear outline of the door can be seen but the biggest mystery is what lies behind it. Staff are unsure of the reasons behind the closure and concealment of the room and it has never been opened for centuries. Could this hidden room hold the answer to the hauntings?
Schooner Hotel Spookiness abounds in Rooms 28, 29 and 30
Guests often experience unbearable dizziness and sickness in rooms 28, 29, and 30. Strangely, when the affected guests leave these rooms, they feel well again. Unnerving and guttural whispers are heard in the early hours of the morning and loud rapping sounds can be heard on the walls and ceilings. Sounds of slamming doors are also heard despite all doors being locked and bolted. Childish laughter has been heard from inside the bathroom which ceases immediately when guests try to investigate. Finally, the ghostly figure of a young cavalier and maid have been seen walking hand in hand across room 29. They are said to stop and stare at each other adoringly before disappearing through the wall into room 28. Reports of the smitten duo are common but no malice is ever experienced.
Personal experience
The information in this article resonates with me deeply due to my own experience of the Schooner. Ten years ago, I naively booked a room, thinking all the tales were false. Late at night, I braved a walk around the lonely and dimly lit corridors. I was the only guest. The only other person present was the duty manager sleeping a few corridors away.
After an hour of searching and seeing nothing, I decided to head back to my room. Suddenly, a bright light began to materialize directly in front of me. At first, it was about the size of a small coin, and it slowly grew, twisting and shifting into a distorted spiral. It grew to around 20cm in height and about 10cm in width. I watched in horror as this curious light suddenly shot past my right side, spinning and turning as it moved. The bizarre light stopped momentarily and then slowly drifted toward the wall before sinking into the wallpaper and vanishing.
I stood for what seemed like an eternity while my brain tried to make sense of what I saw. Eventually, I began the short journey back to my room. Every few seconds, I glanced over my shoulder wondering if the mysterious light would reappear. It didn’t. I spent the rest of the night unable to sleep, eager for morning to arrive. Think you could brave a night at the Schooner Hotel? Take a trip if you dare...
With Halloween just around the corner, ghosts and ghouls are getting ready for their annual airing. Yet, York is a city well-acquainted with the paranormal, and hauntings are not confined to a solitary night. This city's cellars are particularly partial to paranormal phenomena, with dank, dark spaces lending themselves to the imagination. Any sound, smell, or visual experience is not immune to supernatural spin, and by adding the merest hint of a rumor, preferably of some tragic demise, and those creaking pipes are suddenly the agonizing cries of the dearly departed.
Harry Martindale’s famous account of a ghostly procession of Roman soldiers passing through the cellar of the Treasurer’s House is a particular favorite of mine although not all of York’s spirits are content to dwell underground.
One such spirit who supposedly makes his presence felt is that of the infamous highwayman Dick Turpin. While his stay in York was cut short by the Tyburn, it didn’t stop the residents from claiming him as their own. And Mr Turpin happens to be a neighbor of mine; he resides in the graveyard at the end of my street. Visitors come to photograph his final resting place, while sightseeing buses include him in their whirlwind tour of the city. He also makes a guest appearance in my Porter Biggleswade series as a lonely pipe-player who haunts the graveyard. Well, it seems fitting, considering.
Dick Turpin’s Grave, York - Amy Flint (Amy Investigates)
Richard Turpin was born in 1705, in Hempstead, Essex, and trained to be a butcher like his father. These skills proved useful when he joined a deer poaching gang in his early twenties, and thus embarked on a life of crime. Burglary and murder were soon added to his CV, and he was forced to flee to Yorkshire after killing his accomplice during a botched robbery.
By 1737, he had adopted the alias John Palmer and was posing as a horse trader. An unfortunate incident with a gun and another man’s game cock resulted in a stay at the House of Correction at Beverley. Already suspected of theft and trade in stolen horses (which was a capital offence) Turpin was transferred to the prison in York. It is here he wrote to his brother-in-law for help, something he was later to regret. A former tutor recognised Turpin’s handwriting and exposed him. Turpin was found guilty of horse theft and condemned to death. He was thirty-four.
On 7th April 1739, Turpin was taken through York in an open cart. Crowds observed his macabre progress to the Knavesmire, where the gallows was waiting. Turpin was left hanging until late afternoon when he was cut down and taken to the Blue Boar in Castlegate. His burial in the graveyard of St George’s Church, Fishergate was briefly interrupted by body-snatchers who sold his remains for illegal medical dissection. Fortunately, the crime was discovered, and Turpin was reinterred.
While there is some doubt regarding the authenticity of the grave, belief in Turpin’s ghost is real enough. He is said to haunt a lonely stretch of river path in the former slum area of St George’s field. Once home to those living on the fringes of society, this quiet spot raises expectation of a ghostly encounter. If setting is key, it certainly suits Turpin, who veils himself among the trees, waiting for unsuspecting victims to fleece. Stagecoaches once kept him busy, but now he is reduced to challenging dog walkers, cyclists, and children on scooters, although I don’t fancy his chances with the latter. The area is also prone to flooding, which must be something of an inconvenience.
Lonely stretch of river rumoured to be haunted by Dick Turpin - Amy Flint (Amy Investigates)
Whilst it seems fitting that Turpin haunts this spot (an area once inhabited by criminals and the like – presumably, he feels at home), there is no record of him ever having been to St George’s Field. He was a prisoner during his stay in York, brought to the city in chains. While he may have received visitors during his incarceration, he certainly wasn’t at liberty to make house calls. Hence, it would seem more plausible for him to haunt York Castle where he was held, the Tyburn on the Knavesmire or even the graveyard he is asserted to be buried in. A ghostly procession would even be appropriate, materializing on the date he was taken from the prison to the gallows, a stone tape of the grim event imprinted on the fabric of the city.
I decided to track Dick Turpin’s final journey for Amy Investigates one Sunday afternoon. Time shy, I was obliged to do it during Storm Ciara, which certainly made for a dramatic experience. I was blown along his route from outside the former prison towards Castlegate. The streets of York are often bustling, so it was easy to imagine crowds lining the road as Turpin was taken over Ouse Bridge, along Ousegate, and up the incline to Micklegate Bar. Passing through the city’s wall, he progressed along Blossom Street towards The Mount. The Tyburn, which was pulled down in 1812, was waiting for him on the Knavesmire opposite Pulleyn Drive. A paved area and a plaque now mark the spot.
The weather being inclement, I wasn’t surprised to find myself quite alone. Yet, as I stepped onto the paved area the wind suddenly dropped and the sun came out. I took a picture to capture this most extraordinary moment. A great calm descended, as if the tortured spirits of those condemned were taking a breath and in doing so allowed me to collect mine. The moment was extraordinary, and one I’ll never forget. I lingered briefly before retracing my steps back to where Turpin’s body was laid out at the Blue Boar. The rain had started afresh along with the wind.
The site of York’s Tyburn where Dick Turpin was executed - Amy Flint (Amy Investigates)
I continued down to the river in the hope of catching a glimpse of Turpin, but it was not to be. Perhaps he is a fair-weather spirit who favors sunny days rather than stormy, or maybe he doesn’t haunt the city after all. Either way Turpin was little more than a thug and a murderer, a far cry from the handsome, amiable rogue legend has created. Gladys Jones sums him up well in Shadows in the Mist. ‘He was a rotten musician and a second-rate horse thief; people were strung up for less. He should have stayed in Essex.’
Are there a ghosts in the house going ‘Whooooooeeeeeeee’ in your home? Can you hear a ‘pitter and patter’ and a ‘clatter and clang’ when you’re trying to sleep at night? Don’t move out just yet: you may want to consider the fact that it’s something else making all the noise! While these are the sounds that are most associated with ghosts in the house, here’s the thing: they could also mean your HVAC system is the ghost in your house!
Old houses usually have draft currents that can really give you the chills and break out the goosebumps. Add to this the constant settling noises that an old house usually. So what happens when your HVAC system is also old and adds to the litany? You’ve got a primetime ghost story, that’s what!
Let’s see how your HVAC System can be your ghost.
Air Flow Causes The Noise Of Ghosts In The House
Ghosts In The House
When the compressor of your air conditioning system is at fault, you might find the air conditioner making some wheezy noises. Also, a compressor which isn’t working at full efficiency may lead to inconsistent temperatures throughout the house, which helps create a paranormal effect with pockets of hot and cold air.
When it comes to air flow, you may also find some doors slamming easily while another room is quite drafty. This tends to happen when the indoor air pressure is varying, which is also another effect of having an HVAC system that doesn’t work efficiently! Big houses are more susceptible to this paranormal effect. To get rid of it, all you need to do is fix your air conditioner stat!
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
There have been quite a few stories out there of people who have been seeing ghosts and other supernatural activity in their homes, only to be informed that these are the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning normally happens when fossil fuels are burned for heat in furnaces and release the gas, but this gas has nowhere to escape: your chimney may be blocked and all windows closed to keep the cold out.
When this happens, there is a build-up of carbon monoxide in the house, which can lead to all impressions of supernatural activity: hallucinations of ghost-like figures moving around the house, people calling out but there’s no one there, noises when there should be none, extreme lethargy and high probability of accidents in the house which can easily be attributed to ghosts, such as falling down flights of stairs!
Effects of carbon monoxide poisoning are not only hallucinations, but also headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, chest pains, severe paralysis and eventually death. This is why you need to have CO monitors around your house to tell you if CO levels are high. If they are, you need to fix your HVAC system.
Sorting out your HVAC system so that such gases can be released outside the house will do marvels to get rid of all your ghostly problems. You can do this by calling in an HVAC system technician to help you change your furnace air filter, open up any blocked ducts and vents around the house and clean up any outside debris on your outdoor HVAC unit.
Blocked Condensate Pipe
When something goes ‘drip drip’ all the time, you may think there’s a ghost in the house! Air conditioners shouldn’t leak water in the house but when they do, the sound the water makes as it hits the floors is quite, quite eerie – especially in the middle of the night. Every creak and groan in the night added to the constant dripping noise is enough to have anyone thinking someone’s being killed by a ghost and their blood’s dripping all over the house!
Ghosts in the house
In ninety percent of most paranormal situations, it’s the HVAC at fault. An old HVAC system has its fair share of issues – so if yours is acting up, don’t call in the paranormal guys to help you make head or tail of your ghostly observances. Call an HVAC technician instead to fix your HVAC system and see if all the supernatural activity around your house comes to a halt.
If not, you’re living in a haunted house. Move out before the resident ghost decides to take your life!
The following passages have been transcribed from the second half of Professor Robert Temple’s interview with Heather Ensworth PhD about his revolutionary book A New Science of Heaven. Everyone else, seatbelts on and prepare to spark your imagination like never before. This is plasma physics part 2.
Will the plasma clouds intervene to save us?
Robert: We are always in such a mess and are a genocidal species, a psychopathic species because we spend all our time killing each other, pointlessly, frankly. We are obsessed with greed and silly things like fame…and all these people who are super rich become obsessed with making more money. If you’ve got a few hundred million dollars, why continue to earn money? It’s a mess.
The reason why the clouds obviously don’t intervene to save us from these catastrophes which we continually inflict upon ourselves, like the first world war, is because we are an experiment. If you interfere with an experiment, it ceases to be an experiment. If the day comes that they interfere, then it ceases to be an experiment. If things get to the absolute total crisis point, I guess they would have to intervene because there would be no point in having an experiment anymore if billions of people died and everything was really coming to an end. I presume they would intervene at that stage.
If you were able to return to earth again, would you do it?
Robert: Don’t forget that if billions of people die, it doesn’t mean they cease to exist. You are still left with billions of bio plasma beings. What are you going to do with them? Where do they go? That brings us to the whole question of the other world – there is another world we go to when we leave our ‘smart overcoats’. And we stay there until we return. Not everybody has to return – you can graduate. But there are some people who, having graduated, choose not to go up to the more blissful regions and instead choose to keep working to help get the planet sorted. As an individual bio plasma being, you can do that because you are not one of the clouds.
If you come back, you go through all the aggro that we have here, where everybody tries to stop you from doing everything. Try to do anything good on this planet and somebody is bound to complain. We are using this difficult world to grow and there are those of us who want to become better and better people but can only do it here. In the plasma physics world, you can’t do that because you are static there.
An alternate view of the afterlife and ‘fallen’ people
Robert: When people leave this world, it’s like they have a barcode which is a read out of who they are and how good they are. It’s like a frequency. The higher frequencies are better people and you go straight to your level that matches that frequency. Automatically. So, nobody is judged before a tribunal and all that kind of thing. How could they handle billions of people otherwise? It must be supervised by the cloud, somehow. So, they have this system, which to a large extent, is automated…
Heather: To be on your own path of growth and evolution, you have to come back into this density in order to work through more of your process.
Robert: Yes, and it’s dangerous because you could slip. I’m sure that there are pretty highly evolved entities that have fallen, hence the fallen angel motif.
Heather: And the gnostic gospels, too.
Robert: A typical example of one known to everyone, in my opinion, is Napoleon. He was a brilliant person, a highly evolved entity, who fell. He tried conquering Europe, and guess what? 16 million people died because of his vanity. That’s what I call a fallen person…they keep popping up everywhere…megalomaniacs.
So, you can be doing very well and come back here and do even better and suddenly be tempted by fleshly things. You can suddenly decide that I am so clever that I want to become a billionaire. I am going to do it and I don’t care who gets hurt. Well, then you go down, down, down.
Why has science become so fragmented and held back?
Heather: It’s an extraordinary way to think about how information can be transferred throughout the universe through these webs of plasma.
Robert: The cosmic web is now recognised by astronomers because they can see it. It looks like a spider’s web. In my book, I show it side by side with a human brain because it looks the same. Basically, it’s an intelligent universe. The whole universe is conscious. Our sun and stars are entirely made of plasma and I believe they are all alive. They are connected by these filaments, which is where the electric universe theory comes in. But that’s requires a separate conversation…The vast clouds that you now see with the new telescopes are huge plasma clouds and they are giving birth within them to stars. These stars are nodes of a vast superconducting electric grid which we call the cosmic web.
Observational astronomers tend not to know anything about plasma because they don’t know what plasma really is or how it works. Science is too fragmented. Nobody knows what the guy in the next lab down the corridor is doing. Science is being held back because people trying to do the science in an open manner don’t have any access to the secret stuff…Much too much is being kept secret which shouldn’t be kept secret and the people who are keeping it secret are cutting their own throats because if they put more out into the public domain, they would get more feedback which would be useful for their secret stuff.
We have a capacity to directly influence our evolution
Heather: If nothing ever dies, if everything is held in this sea of consciousness in the plasma field, we can affect the evolution of consciousness of the planet. Rupert Sheldrake’s understanding of morphogenic fields by our own resonance...that what we draw to the earth by our own energy field...if we are coming more from the heart and moving into a higher level of consciousness, we are activating that energy on the planet.
Robert: I agree completely. Rupert, by the way, is a great friend of mine…he is a great force for the good...
Heather: If you follow that understanding, then we have a capacity to directly influence what’s happening with our evolution here on the planet. My sense from the astrological perspective is that we’re at a critical choice point here...these energies we are seeing around the globe, is the backlash to an increasing shift that we are capable of in terms of moving into a new state of evolution with our human consciousness…But it feels like, as you said, there is a larger struggle between good and evil, not just on the planet in terms of our earthly experiment but across the cosmos, which is extraordinary to think about.
The Anubis Cell and Sirius mystery
Robert: Absolutely – I agree with everything you said…I want to address an earlier question about communication across space. In the revised edition of The Sirius Mystery, which came out in 1998, which I expanded by 50%...I talked about the connection between the Sirius system and solar system and at the time, I didn’t know about all this plasma stuff. I can now see what I suggested has a sound, physical basis.
I suggested that Sirius and the solar system were connected in a cell of some kind. I called it the Anubis Cell because Sirius is the dog star and Anubis was the dog god. I now can see that from the galactic perspective, such a cell would be a dusty complex plasma cell with its own sheath and that within such a cell, a long range order takes place, and that you could have instantaneous communication between the star systems because they are in the same cell.
…Information could in principle, be instantaneously transmitted anywhere in the universe because the universe itself, although limitless, I’m sure…is also a dusty complex plasma.
We’ve got extraterrestrial life between us and the moon
Robert: Most of the attention has been given to L5 (Lagrange libration point) – which I think is the one called Metatron. But the thing is, what is the other one up to (L4 Lagrange libration point)? Is one the left brain, is one the right brain? Is one male, is one female? Are they married? Anything is possible. We don’t know. And I do believe there have been attempts from L5 to communicate with us. Some of that was in my book but was removed. But that’s another long story.
…All of our concepts of communicating with extraterrestrial life are inadequate. We are looking for little green men out there somewhere. We’ve got extraterrestrial life between us and the moon. We don’t need to look beyond that. We should be learning about the clouds…The fact is that don’t even know enough about our own planet, frankly, and we don’t know what the core of our earth is made of. It’s all speculation...
I have a chapter in my book called The Cold Sun in which I point out that our conventional notions of the sun are nonsense. Because, if it really had a fusion reaction going on in the centre, the sun would get hotter the closer you get to it. But the opposite is true. It gets colder…
There is no hydrogen bomb going off in the centre of the sun. That’s complete madness. This was an idea that was attested by the wonderful Sir Arthur Eddington in the 1920s and he did his best because it made sense then. But it no longer does. People have got to shake that off…Everybody admits that there’s something wrong but they won’t admit that they are wrong.
Discerning the truth instead of defending certain paradigms
Heather: We get so locked into our paradigms that we don’t want to... You are an independent researcher trying to discern what’s true rather than getting caught up in defending a certain paradigm which is unfortunately so much of what happens in academia…We have been speculating about these other intelligent beings in the universe and basically what you are saying is that they are all around us.
Robert: Yes, yes, absolutely. There are life forms of plasma that are invisible to us and we don’t suspect are there. Some people call them angels. It’s all happening and we are blind to most of it. Life is everywhere. And everything is life. The universe is life. It’s conscious life. It’s a life that feels…thinks…a life that imagines. And I think that imagining is the source of everything.
The clouds know the entire history of this planet
Heather: Would you say then, that the clouds not only are intelligent and have this phenomenal memory bank, but are conscious?
Robert: Oh yes, definitely! They will be conscious at least in an AI manner…they would be super intelligent… so intelligent than they would know more than probably all the people on earth put together if they combined all of their intelligence...They know who everybody is. They would be watching this, for instance, because they monitor everything and have the capacity to do that easily. They would have fantastic filtering and sorting systems – way beyond the key word thing that spy agencies use...
The systems of sorting out what is really interesting and needs attention will be perfected by the Kordylewski clouds because they are probably billions of years old. They know the entire history of this planet, they know the details of every animal – not just the people - and probably every plant and the entire geology of the planet. They would have witnessed its formation…they know the whole story of the earth and the earth is what they are monitoring.
End of Interview Transcript, Pt 2
Heavenly Highlights
The following passages from A New Science of Heaven include references to ancient religious texts.
“Now at last, science has caught up with mysticism and modern physicists are seriously suggesting that intelligent plasmas can exist after all.” ~Professor Robert Temple
Correcting inaccurate global climate models
Crucial new findings about ‘new particle formation’ are not taken into account in global climate models and existing climate models ‘underestimate both the magnitude of tropical atmospheric NRF (new particle formation) and the subsequent growth of new particles to CCN (cloud condensation nuclei) sizes.’
Important phenomenon related to the discovery of this new particle formation in the atmosphere has been missed because it is so difficult to detect by existing technology. As a result, NASA has set up a programme to try to obtain more detailed information about these new particles so that we can know how they affect both our climate models and our climate itself.
Is the ‘War in Heaven’ between good and bad plasmas?
The early third century AD ‘Nag Hammadi’ Christian Gnostic Apocryphon of John text insists that it was ‘not Noah alone’ but ‘also other men’ who went into a place and sheltered themselves within a ‘luminous cloud’. It also speaks of angels as ‘lights’ and that both good and bad entities reside in the ‘luminous clouds’.
If the Devil himself lives in a fiery plasma cloud, it is possible for both powers of Good and Evil to dwell in, or consist of, plasma clouds.
Key events in the New Testament such as the Transfiguration, where Jesus appeared radiant in glory and the Pentecost, also seem suggestive of plasmas.
The War in Heaven could therefore be a war between good and bad plasmas, and the extent to which they can recruit humans on their respective sides is assumed to have a bearing on how long the world will last before it reaches its ultimate climax when the final reckoning occurs. At that time, the ‘elect’ amongst humanity who have remained good despite all temptations, will rise up to the Kingdom of Light, and the Powers of Darkness will be annihilated.
Nikola Tesla saw tongues of living flame
Nikola Tesla wrote in his autobiography that:
In my boyhood I suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the sight of real objects and interfered with my thought and action…I was about 12 years old when I first succeeded in banishing an image from my vision by wilful effort but I never had control over the flashes of light to which I have referred. They were, perhaps, my strangest experience and explicable...In some instances, I have seen all the air around me filled with tongues of living flame...These luminous phenomena still manifest themselves from time to time, as when a new idea opening up possibilities strikes me...
Professor Temple interprets Tesla’s descriptions as appearing to be the visualisation and perception of his own plasma body. ‘Tongues of living flame’ surround us because that is what plasma is like – not heat producing flames but rather a ‘living flame’ with pulsations or waves within the flame.
The ‘Death Flash’ and ‘Life Flash’
It has been said that at the moment of death, a flash of light is emitted from the body and it applies to all organisms, not just people.
A light flash is also seen at conception, when a human egg is fertilized by a sperm, and has been captured on film. The flashes are caused by a wave of calcium ions going through the cell and calcium ion flow is a form of plasma, just as we have seen in the death waves.
Death flashes have not yet been captured on film but in 1987, Polish biophoton researcher, the late Professor Janusz Slawinski (1936-2016) published a summary of the many of the occurrences of the ‘death flash’, technically known as the ‘necrotic photon emission’. He concludes that the electromagnetic field produced by necrotic radiation, containing energy, internal structure and information, may permit the continuation of consciousness beyond the death of the body.
Bio plasma bodies do not ‘wear out’ but whether they have non-physical ways of undergoing any kind of disintegration, is not yet known. But it is likely that it would take the form of an impairment or degrading rather than a total catastrophic collapse.
Writes Temple:
‘This is clearly very important information. Considering how terrified most people are of dying, you would think that this information would be more widely circulated, if only to assuage people’s anxieties. But strangely, few people have heard about it. This is puzzling to me. I think it must be because we live in a world today where intellectuals, mainstream social opinion-formers and mass media all subscribe to a rigidly materialistic view of life and are intolerant of anyone who challenges this arid position in even the slightest way. It is time that humans were given a proper briefing on this ‘material world of spirit.’
My dearly departed father assured me in a dream that ‘there is no death’
Professor Temple’s reference to the ‘material world of spirit’ aligns with two profound dreams I experienced in the mid 1990s - fitting memories to share as I conclude this article.
I clearly recall standing in a peaceful space, surrounded by a gentle mist and feeling embraced by a comforting, loving energy. My father, Karl Summer, emerged from the mist and stood in front of me. He was as tall and strong as I remembered him to be, and looked as happy to see me as I did him. As I basked in a profound wave of sweet relief and comfort that permeated the deepest levels of my soul, my father extended his hand to me. Expecting to feel nothing but thin air, I reached out to hold it. Instead, I physically felt his hand and looked at him in blissful awe. ‘You’re not dead, are you dad.’ I said. He smiled and replied: ‘There is no death, Linda.’
A few nights later, my father appeared in my dream world once again. This time, he was in a mischievous, happy mood and the setting included an arc of coffins with open lids. Then he started jumping in and out of the coffins like a cheeky, athletic teenager. ‘See?’ he said. ‘There is no death.’ I couldn’t help but laugh along with him and embrace the notion that death really was an illusion and that coffins were mere ‘props’ used in our earthly life to farewell our loved ones in their ‘smart overcoats’. In hindsight, my father’s comedic ‘coffin dance’ was also his way of helping me heal from the deep trauma and grief that accompanied the viewing of his body laying dead in a coffin. I had to physically see my father to help me believe he was really dead and I am sorry I had to put my mother through an experience she wanted to avoid. My father’s death on Boxing Day, 1980, came as an momentous shock to all who knew and loved him. He was only 54 years old. But he left us with a precious cache of joyful, at times hilarious and eye-opening memories to carry in our hearts.
My wish for anyone grieving the loss of someone they love with all their heart, is to know that death is not the final curtain call. Far from it.